Chapter 2

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Soon the double life, knight and rebel will meet the charming Prince of Altea.

"Are you ready to meet the Prince of Daibazaal, your highness?"

I groan upon hearing 'Prince of Daibazaal'. I'm not ready at all. I thought I would be ready for a moment like this. Meeting my future wife or husband was always something I dreamed of. It was always a fantastic fantasy I could only imagine. But now, it's a terrifying nightmare. I can only hope that this Prince is a decent guy.

"I heard the Prince of Daibazaal is quite a Casanova."

"Ah, yes. He's such a charming fellow. Yet he doesn't seem to settle for someone. He seems to play games for his advantage."

And like that my hopes of being married off to a decent guy were shattered.


Allura tucks some of my hair back, "You'll be fine! Just think of the war ending."

I sigh and push her hand away, "That's easy for you to say. You aren't the one being forced into this."

"Hush now Lance," She smiles at me, "You shouldn't judge a book by its cover, you know? For all we know, the rumors could be false and the Prince of Daibazaal could be a sweetheart."

I roll my eyes, "Sure."


"Your Majesties! I present to you, the Prince of Daibazaal, Prince Lotor." Coran announces.

My sister and I stand up straight, her hands held in front of her, mine behind my back. We observe quietly like we're told to. The Prince I'm supposed to be married off to seems to be quite handsome. I'm ashamed to admit it but, he's actually kind of cute. 

I feel the blush creep up onto my cheeks and avert my gaze to the ground.

As he approaches us, I feel my heart rush. The reality of this all comes crashing down on me. This is actually happening. I'm about to meet my husband.

We come face to face and bow. He takes my sister's hands first, planting a kiss on one.

"Your name?" He asks.

She blushes, "Allura. Princess Allura of Altea."

He smiles and turns to me, "And you must be Lance?"

At a loss of words, I nod. Allura sends me a knowing smile and I mouth the words, "Don't you dare."

Lotor looks between us back at our father a kneels, "Your honor, I am Lotor. Prince of Daibazaal and I'm so grateful that you and my father have decided to end this war."

Allura and I quirk an eyebrow as we look to each other and back to Lotor. This man is really trying to warm Father up.

"The honor is mine," Father says, "I am also pleased that this war may end."


"Hush, Shiro!" I whisper back.

Shiro has been teasing me since last evening. But now? He's just trying to make me mad.

"But, the Altean Prince is-"

I shoot him a glare, "Don't you dare finish that sentence."

A guard from the Altean kingdom shoots us a glare. Both of us hush and stand tall, stone faced.

"This is your fault," I whisper.

Shiro sends a playful glare, "Yeah, totally..."

The king glares down at us then tells the Prince, "You're guards are so unorderly, Prince. Is this how you're kingdom does things? Not teaching guards to be silent during royal affairs?!"

The white haired prince bows, apologizing, "No, your highness. We do teach them to be silent. I will see to it that they learn proper manners shortly."

I glare at Shiro, "See? You got us in trouble!"

"I did no such thing!"

The sound of stifled laughter catches my ear. I look to the Princess and Prince of Altea. The tanned Prince is to blame. He stands, a hand over his mouth, biting back laughter.

The King glares at the Prince. Chills go down my spine. Such a cold, hateful glare. And to your own blood? That's just harsh.

"Silence!" The King orders.

Everyone straightens, falling completely silent as the king continues, "What is so amusing, my son?"

My eyes, trained on the prince, probably feel like beams of great heat burning into him. He shows some fear behind his brave, royal front.

"Nothing, your highness."

The King props his head in his right hand, glaring daggars into his son, "State the reason. Now."

The Altean Prince visibly swallows back a lump of oh so visible fear in his throat before facing fully to the king. He bows apologetically, speaking calmly, voice smooth yet with a hint of fear, "I apologize for my uncalled reaction, your highness." His eyes stay to the floor as he stands tall, "I was simply just amused by this whole situation."

"Is that so...?" The King's voice is coated in venom. It's harsh, just like the glare he sent to the prince earlier.

"Yes, your majesty."

The king erupts in laughter. Everyone seems to exchange looks and forcefully laugh along.

Falling dead silent the king radiates an aura of violence and embarrassment. He furrows his brow, clearly angry, "What have I taught you?!"

The prince flinches slightly, "I uh... I'm not quite sure, your highness. See, you haven't taught me much."

The king raises, stepping down to his son. Everyone halts their breath, while observing the two. They make eye contact.


The sound of skin colliding with skin echoes. Everyone besides the king and his son visibly jump. I watch the prince carefully. He slowly and shakily, brings his hand to his reddened cheek.

"You are dismissed, you useless child."

The Altean Prince nods slightly, "Y-yes sir."

He slowly turns, visibly in pain. I watch as he stands tall, gracefully walking away, past me and the rest of the guards and out the large double doors.

A frightened silence is upon us. It seems that the Altean King is quite violent and intimidating.

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