Chapter 10

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The soft melody of a tune floats through my room, the soft glow of the sun filters through my opened balcony doors and windows. I dance hazily around the furniture humming the tune of the song whilst picking up rogue fabric. The song that fills my ears is the same one that Mother sang to Allura and I when we were young. It's some old love song from another planet. Probably her family's planet. 

Hearing the doors open, my eyes snap to the figure in the now archway. A sigh of relief escapes my lips when I find the other Prince. But then confusion strikes. Why is he here? How does he know this is my room? Who told him I was here?

He steps in, closing the doors, a smile on his lips, "Tidying up?"

I blink a few times, his words registering in my chaotic thought-filled brain, "Uhm... Yes."

"Don't you have maids for that?" He asks in a teasing manner.

I watch him scoop up loose fabric from the floor before responding, "I do, but they work hard enough as is," I open a dresser drawer and set the cloth in, "I like to make sure they have one less thing to do."

"Ah..." Is all he says whilst helping me tidy up the room. 

Finally, once our arms are empty I turn to him, confused expression painted on my face, "Why're you here? Aren't you supposed to be busy negotiating war terms and such with my father?"

"Is it wrong to want to see my future spouse?"

"No, but-"

He chuckles to himself before explaining his reasoning for being here, "I just needed a break, that's all. And to sell the idea that you and I," He motions between us, "Actually adore each other, I came here. 'Course I had to ask Allura which way your room was, but-"

"Allura?" I raise a brow noticing the dropping of honorifics. Suspicion raises and before I know it I'm asking something troubling, "Since when have you and my sister become close enough to drop honorifics?"

The man before me becomes a blubbering mess, trying desperately to defend himself, "Well, you see, I- Allura and I- Princess Allura and I may have..."

"Oh, don't tell me you fancy my sister over me!" I huff, crossing my arms over my chest. It's not like it bothers me, right? I don't even like Lotor. But my sister?! Why are the likes of him going after a girl like her? AND WHY IS SHE JUST LETTING IT HAPPEN?

"Lance, Allura, and I just fill each other's time. Nothing more."

Fill each other's time?! He's definitely up to something. You don't just fill each other's time unless you're interested in someone! 

"Be truthful with me, Lotor. Are you interested in her?"

He shrinks a bit, it's obvious he's interested in her. I'm sure she's interested in him as well. After all, I've seen the way she stares at him. It's so blatantly obvious that it's painful.

"If I do, would you be upset?"

Of course! She's my sister! She's a princess! She deserves better than you, but so do I. I deserve better than this and if Allura and you... like each other, I might still have a chance to escape this painful marriage. But our agreement. Lotor and I came to an agreement that we'd marry even without love. I need this to escape but is escaping really worth it? Is it worth being miserable and envious for the rest of my life?

"No," I sigh, "Allura... She likes you. And I don't, no offense."

"None taken."

"Just don't break her heart, okay?"



Shiro pokes at me while we're alone outside of Prince Lance's room. We had to accompany our Prince to what I presume is Lance's bedroom and Shiro won't shut up about it. Thankfully, there's a nice wooden door separating our chatter from the Princes.

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