Chapter 12

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It's odd that I'm the one accompanying the Princes and the Princess. Well, it's not just me, Shiro is here, but he's with the Prince and Princess. He left Lance to me. Sure it's just a stroll through the gardens but it's more of a double date. It started out as a friendly conversation between the Princes' and Princess but eventually, Lance faded out. He ended up turning his attention more towards me. We've chatted a bit about various topics until he got distracted by the archers.

"Oh shoot, I forgot that was today!" He yelps, running through a field off to the left.

I follow, ducking under a tree branch and catching him right as he jumps onto the wooden fence that lines the outside of the dirt padded field. 

"Lance!" Allura calls from a distance.

"Go on without me!" He yells back through a smile, "I'll catch up later!" 

"But what about-?!"

"I have a guard! I'll be fine!"

I watch the Princess exchange a look and hushed words with the other Prince before continuing on with the walk, Shiro still at their heels. I turn back to Lance who has perched himself on the bottom piece of wood connecting the two posts. His eyes glisten and sparkle in the sun, full of wonder and awe. I avert my gaze to the field, archers to our right, targets to our left, all perfectly aligned.

"Archery?" I question him, slightly amused.

"Oh yes!" He looks to me, "It's my favorite sport!"


"Yes? Is it not a sport on Daibazaal?"


He tilts his head, confused, "Odd... It's like we're from two different worlds."

"I mean we kind of are."

"You get what I mean!"

"No, I don't," I tease, bumping shoulders with him, "Care to explain?"

Lance rolls his eyes and leans against the fence, huffing out hot air. I follow his gaze and watch the line of archers aim. Soon the arrows fly to their respective targets and the announcer is announcing the scores. I look back to him, his eyes filled with wonder once more. 

"If it's your favorite sport, why aren't you out there with them?" I ask, curiosity getting the best of me once more.

"Well, archery is a girl's sport for one-"

"What?! Really?"


"It's been a girl's sport ever since my mother passed," I explain, my mood starting to turn sour at the thought.

I'm actually quite good at this sport, well, good is an understatement. The girls on the field don't have to hit moving targets until the last round. So, obviously, that's not that important of a skill to possess. If you can make it to the last round you're already great in the scoring book. Shame they'd never have to actually put this sort of skill into practice.

I sigh and turn to Keith, "Archery was one of the many things that got hit in my father's ban wave after my mother's death. Anything that reminded us of her, he either outright banned it completely or greatly restricted it."

"I'm really starting to dislike your Father," Keith remarks.

"Welcome to the club," I groan, "First, it was the use of magic, eventually archery got swept up into the ordeal because Mother was, of course, a great archer. Then, he just spiraled out of control and banned everything Mother stood for."

"Do you think that was his way of dealing with the grief of losing the Queen?"

I can't help but glare at the obvious, "Of course it was, but it felt more like a punishment!" I lean back, grasping the top of the wood railing, "Like, I'm sorry that I'm just a reminder of my mum, Dad! 'M sorry, I should've just not have been born with her powers!" I scoff, knowing I'm ranting, "It's not my fault that she actually paid attention to me!"

I feel Keith's hand glide over mine, intertwining our fingers. God, why is this suddenly making my stomach churn like there are butterflies fluttering? I let my gaze trail over to him, heart racing from the previous rant. The thumping in my chest doesn't slow, it picks up. And now my cheeks are flushed. Jeez, why am I getting worked up over a simple touch?

"Are we being obvious now?" I ask simply.

He looks at me, confused, "What ever do you mean?"

I raise a brow. He can't be serious, right? Slipping my hand out of his, I sigh, "Clueless as ever today..."

"Hey!" He yelps. We trade a glance before falling silent once more. I feel his eyes scanning over my profile, probably searching for an answer or something. He clicks his tongue before speaking in a hushed tone, "I didn't mean to obvious."

I flash a smile in his direction, replying back in a similar manner, a tinge of humor coating my words, "I wouldn't mind us being a little less subtle."

I watch his gaze grow more shocked then flash with embarrassment. His cheeks flush a lighter shade of pink before he visibly gulps. Cute.

"I wish I could see you out there," Keith replies, blatantly changing the subject.

"I'm probably rusty."

"Doubt it."

"Well aren't you one for flattery today?" I let out a bemused scoff as I continue, "Trust me, it's been Deca-Phoebs."

"Still, you're probably better than most of the girls out there."

I smile as I feel myself falling for his flattery. I turn back towards the path, intent to regroup with my sister, "You think?"

"I know."

That's when a dangerous plan pops up in my head, "Let's meet here tonight."


You heard me, "We can see if I can still shoot!"

"Your majesty, wouldn't that be dangerous? Surely, your father would-"

I throw a hand, waving off any thought of that wretched being, "To hell with what he thinks! Surely, he would have my head on a stick for just breathing wrong! Why not have a little venture whilst I'm still breathing?!"

I twirl back to him, to catch his conflicted look. Poor thing. Let's make this a little more inciting.

"If you wish to back out at any point, feel free," I let out a small sigh, my act turning into something more sincere, "Though, I would be awfully lonely without you."

He hums in thought for a moment, "Okay, but if there's even a possibility of us being seen-"

"Well, there's always a possibility."

"You're not helping your case."

"Who said I was trying to?"

He groans and lightly places a hand on my lower back, "You're impossible sometimes, your highness."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2022 ⏰

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