Chapter 5

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The news of Matt being in the medical wing was not surprising to me. He doesn't think about himself, only others. A selfless guard, a selfless brother, a selfless friend. Call him what you may, but Matt is too self-sacrificing for his own good. Not just me, but everyone who knows Matt, worries that his selflessness will be his downfall.

I push open the large white door and am blinded by the familiar bright reception room.

"Prince Lance!" The recognizable voice of Matt's mother, Colleen, Head of our botany and medicine, fills my ears, "I was wondering when you were going to stop by!"

"I just got the news," I reply, worry plastered on my face, "How is he?"

"He's doing fine!" She looks away for a moment, "Well, as fine as an injured person can be."

She waves for me to follow her done the maze of hallways. As we walk she mentions, "We all thought you wouldn't have time to come down here and see us!"

"What do you mean?" I question, eyebrow quirked, "I always have time for my people."

She looks away, into some patient rooms as we continue down the hallway, "With recent events, it seems that you'll be gone soon. I could only imagine what the King is putting you through right now."

I open my mouth but hold my tongue. I don't know if there is a correct response to this conversation. Colleen notices this and smiles, placing a hand on my silk clothed shoulder, "Don't think too much! You'll get wrinkles and it'll ruin your face, your highness."

I lightly push her hand away, smiling, "Don't fret about me. You should be more worried about yourself! When was the last time you had a break? I know my father overwork the staff."

"Don't worry about me, Lance. I'll be fine." She smiles brightly,  "After all, I birthed two children and maintained my position while even receiving a few promotions over the years. I was bound to lose beauty, with age."

"If the soul's beauty grows with time, the body it inhabits should retain its original beauty."

"Are you trying to be all poetic with me, your highness?"

I chuckle, "Dissect my speech as you may, Mrs. Holt."

She lets out a childish giggle and stops in front of a room, "Matthew is in here. Tell him 'hi' for me would ya'?"

"Why don't you greet your son, personally?"

"As much as it pains me to say, the king has given me 'more important' tasks than nursing my young."

I shake my head, frowning, "What could be more important than family?"

"Patients, medicine... The usual..." Colleen's tone turns grim, "We had a..." She pauses, lowering her voice, "A conflict, with the Galran."

I sigh and let her continue, her voice regaining its volume, "Matthew's sector was greatly involved. Many were injured. As much as I'd love to stay by my son's side whilst he recovered, I'm needed elsewhere." She turns and walks away, but stops a few rooms away, about to enter, "Just knowing that he's fine, and we have done everything we can to help is enough for me."

Her grim look turns into her signature friendly smile as she enters the room. I remain outside Matt's temporary room for a moment, lingering on what Colleen said. We've had yet another conflict although it's well known that I'll be married off to the heir of the Galran empire to end this war. Maybe my people are just as displeased as I am?

I step into the room and spot Matt, sitting atop of the light blue bedding of the hospital bed. Pidge is sat next to him in an uncomfortable-looking chair, explaining a new gadget she's made. Matt notices me, and smiles brightly, "Lance!"

I wave and head over to the side of the bed, next to Pidge. The lady in question grabs another chair and pulls it up behind me, "Sit."

I oblige while she continues explaining her new gadget. Matt adds tidbits here and there until he cuts her off, "Lance, probably has better things to do than listen to us geek out about Rover."

I smile and shake my head, "I am all yours for the next," I look to the clock on the wall, "10-ish doboshes."

"Are you sure?" He quirks a brow, "Don't you have some dumb regal stuff to attend to? Y'know, since the Daibazaalian Prince is here and all."

I let out a troublesome sigh, "Don't remind me."

"Things already going bad?" Pidge asks.

"When do they not?"


"So, that Altean Prince...?" Shiro prods, smile plastered on his dumb face.

I sigh and shake off the last of my armor, "Will the day ever come where you'll stop tormenting me over every handsome guy, or prince, or whatever that we meet?"

Shiro chuckles and throws himself back on his bed, "Nope!"

I groan and step into the on-suit bathroom, looking at myself in the mirror. I doubt that a Prince like Lance would ever like me in a million years. He's all glitz and glam, and here I am, a disheveled man with messy hair and dirt on my face. Where the dirt came from? That's something I ask myself every day.

I take the loose red ribbon out of my hair momentarily so I can fix the knotted locks. Getting my hair up in a messy bun, I wash the dirt off of my face and leave the restroom. I look to the beds and Shiro seems to already be dozing off. I wonder if these beds are more comfortable than the ones at home. I flop onto my own bed and immediately sink into the soft cushioning. What is this thing made out of?! If the servants' beds are this soft I can only wonder what the royalty sleep on.


"And then just like 'bam'! Right in front of everyone. It was utterly embarrassing."

Matthew reaches out and I accept his warm hand against my tanned cheek. He forces a soft smile, "Your father truly is ruthless. I'm so sorry that he embarrassed you like that."

"And in front of your future husband, none-the-less," Pidge adds.

I let a sad sigh out as Matthew removes his hand. I look down to recollect my scattered thoughts as I remember him. The raven-haired guard. Keith was it? 

A visible smile begins to form and before I know it, Pidge and Matt are prodding for an answer to the grin.

"Alright, Alright!" My smile widens, "I'll tell you!"

The two look at me with bright starry eyes, waiting for me to continue.

"Soooo... There's this guy, er- well... More appropriately a guard, a daibazaalian guard..."

"Ooooooooo, Lance fancies a guard!" Pidge teases.

"Oh hush Pidge!" I swat a hand at her as I continue, "Anyways! So there's this guard, and like, the reason I started laughing during the whole meeting Lotor ordeal was because of this guard and the other one who caught my attention from across the hall."

"Did you get his name or are we going to refer to him as this 'daibazaalian guard'?" Pidge butts in once more.

"I'm getting to that!" I huff, "Anyways! Yada yada, I get kicked out and talk to Hunk and then bam! I'm walking down the halls and see him! I was surprised but intrigued."

"Yeah, yeah! Give us a name!"

"Alright, alright," I roll my eyes, "His name is Keith."

The pair stares at me, eyebrows quirked with the same expression on their faces.

"What?" I question.


"Yeah, that's his name."

Pidge leans back in her chair, "I thought it was gonna be something cool like 'Ryder' or 'Ransom' or, y' know. A COOL NAME! Not 'Keith'."

"What's wrong with the name Keith?"

"Nothing, it's just plain."

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