Chapter 8

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Gazing out lazily at the rising sun, I stretch and yawn, my arms returning to the balcony railing shortly after. Trading places with my arms, my hands grip lightly on the white railing as I lean back. I can't believe snuck out with a guard last night! A dabazaalian guard at that! What would Allura say? No, what would Father say about this? 

I shake that thought away. Thoughts like that could be dangerous. Hell, actions like last night are dangerous. Father already hates that I'm friendly with all the staff and subjects of the Kingdom. What would he do if he found out I snuck away with a guard? Surely, nothing happened, but would Father believe that? Of course not. As storybooks go with evil stepmothers and evil kings and such, he'd fall into that category of controlling and wickedness. 

I wish something magical could happen, fairytale-esk, where I could come to an agreement with Father and we'd both be happy. I'm not ready to part with what little freedom I have now to be some man's glorified wife to end a trifling war. But alas, fairytales don't exist, magic can't be used within the walls of the castle or kingdom limits unless permitted, and Father... He's set in his ways. Truly, this is a hopeless situation.


"Where'd ya run off to after the party last night, Lance?" Allura asks, dabbing on some setting powder for her makeup.

I roll over on the large, blue sheeted bed, my head hanging off the edge, "No'ere in particular."

"Oh really?" Her blue eyes dart up to mine in the reflection of the mirror, "'Cause I could've sworn I saw you sneaking off towards the Gardens."

I narrow my gaze, lying through my teeth, "Must've been an illusion."

"Magic isn't allowed to be practiced outside of the knight's wing and the designated training facilities, Lance," She huffs, setting the makeup brush down in its container. She twists the cap back on and turns towards me in her seat, seeming ready to interrogate me, "So, enlighten me. Why were you sneaking out?"

"You're delusional."

"No, you're delusional!" She states, standing. She practically glides over to her closet, years of training obviously paying off. She gently opens the doors to the extra space, filled with dresses and garments, "Ye' really think no one saw you'?!"

"So what if I was in the gardens?" I sit up, crossing my legs, hands gripped lightly around my ankle, "Is it a crime to go out and get some fresh air after those stuffy parties?"

She looks back, deadpanning, "I know you better than that, Lance. You were sneaking out to do something or meet someone you shouldn't!"

My mind doesn't catch my tongue in time as I blurt out, "You would do the same!"

She slams the closet door close and stomps over, pointing at me, "So you were sneaking out, you lying weasel!"

"So what?! All I did was go out to Mother's Garden!"

Allura cradles her face in a hand and shakes her head lightly, disappointment oozing out of her frame, "You know you're not allowed to go out there, Lance! What if Father caught you?"

"Well, he didn't so hush!" I cross my arms over my chest, "It shouldn't be a crime to visit Mother's Garden!"

"Well, Father deems it a crime!" 

"So, what?! Am I not allowed to visit her? Am I suppose to live like you and Father and act like she never existed?!"

"I don't act like she never existed, Lance! I'm just following the rules!" She shifts her weight, hands propped on her hips, "I loved Mother just as much as you do."

"Loved?" I move to the edge of the bed, "So, what?! Now that she's dead you don't love her?"

"Lance, I do still hold love for her in my heart but-"

 I nod and stand, tired of excuses and lectures, "But she's dead. So, you'd rather not care. You'd rather choose the easy route and forget! Block out the painful memories and just act like nothing's happened! Like we're not being used as pawns in a bloody war!" I walk past her and towards the door, anger rising, "If Mom was alive she'd be disappointed in you and Father."

I reach for the handle and hear Allura turn, "Like you're doing much better, Lance! You've been acting out of line for years now! You're the one making things harder on yourself! You think Mother would approve of your behavior?!"

I pause. She's right. Mother wouldn't approve of my behavior. Sure she was one for fairy tales, magic, and happy endings, but frolicking with the guards and servants? She'd probably not approve of it. Sure she did believe we should be friends with our facility and they should be treated with respect but she was always old-fashioned in customs of marriage. I'm not even sure that my marriage with Lotor would go well with her solely because we're both males.

"I don't think Mother would approve of any of this." I finally speak.

Different Lives ||•{Klance Royalty AU}•||Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon