Chapter 11

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Ngl, Dear Theodosia from Hamilton really do be fueling my ideas for this story. Also, that song is a huge inspiration for this chapter. Also, you're welcome for double upload.

"What was that tune that you were playing this afternoon?" Keith asks me.

Somehow, we managed to find our way to my bed. Yet, we never advanced further than kissing and light touches. Now we're laying here just... chatting. Just conversing like we've been friends forever. We learn more about each other with every passing moment.

"Oh, that?" I reply, racking my brain trying to remember which tune it was. Then it hits me, "It was my mother's favorite song to sing to us when we were younger," I receive a questioning glance, "Us meaning Allura and I."

"Well, I gathered that much," He replies, half jokingly. I make a face and he continues, "Tell me about her. It seems like you're fond of her."

I let out a light giggle, "Fond is an understatement. She was my world for so long. She's what made life livable and fun. Then she fell ill shortly into the war. I guess it was the stress of it all that took her."

Our gazes meet, "She sounds like the complete opposite of the king."

"Oh, she was," I reply, bittersweet smile forming on my lips, "She was a kind and caring mage from another planet; another kingdom. Father wanted royalty, of course, so he searched far and wide for her. Then one day he met her at some royal ball on her planet. It was an instant connection," I laugh at that. The thought of my father showing anything other than hatred and disgust is such a foreign concept to me, "Or so I'm told at least. I'm still convinced he kidnapped her and pulled a Beauty and the Beast."

"Beauty and the Beast?"

We exchange a look before I question him, "Do you not know what that is?" I earn shake of the head, "Well, it's a movie, from Earth."

"That's probably why I haven't heard of it."

"Do Galrans not interact with humans?"

"Not from my knowledge."

I take in his human-like appearance and let out a small, "Huh.." Strange, "Maybe, we could watch it sometime."

"Maybe when the war is over."

"Maybe..." I reply, looking him over once more, "Anyways, Mother, more about her."

I continue on for a while, explaining her personality and beauty, her kindness and love, and also the magic. Keith's eyes lit up when I began to speak of the powers my sister and I possess because of our Mother.

"I'm sure living on Earth all those years was hard for her," Keith adds, "Having to hide her powers and all that."

"She loved it there, though," I explain, "But, of she never came back to her planet, I wouldn't be here. And as much as I complain and whine about my living arrangements, I'm sort of glad she came back and met my father."

"Do you have any memories of her that you'd like to share?"

I quirk a playful brow, "At this rate, anyone else would think you're using me for information. You're not, right?"

He seems panicked by that. He throws up his hands, and explains, "No! No! I'm just curious! I swear!"

"Alright," I laugh that interaction off, "Well, I guess I could tell you more about her."

"Please do," He replies, "She sounds so interesting, I wish I met her."

I smile lightly, "I'm sure she would of loved you almost as much as I do."

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