Chapter 1

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"I will not go through with this! You can't make me!"

My sister looks to me, concerned, "Lance-"


We exchange glares full of anger and fear. I can't believe Father would do this now! I'm outraged that he'd rather marry me off instead of Allura!

"SILENCE YOU TWO!" Father's voice quickly hushed us and caught our wavering attention, "This is unacceptable behavior from the both of you! You shall not disobey an order such as this!"

I open my mouth to protest but hold my tongue. Coran, our advisor and main caretaker steps in, "If I may your highness, this is a great honor! You would be helping your people!"

I close my eyes and turn away from Coran and Father in disgust. There is no way I will ever do this! I shall not go through with this!

"Father, if I may," Allura catches our attention, "I shall propose a deal."

"What's this deal?" Father questions.

"If Lance cannot go through with this, I shall."


All three of us turn our attention to her.

"Allura..." I'm speechless.

"You shall not!" Father gains our attention once more, "The Prince of Daibazaal is NOT fit for a young madam like yourself!"

I glare up at him, "But he's fit for me?!"

"Yes, he is."

I have had it!

"If you want your petty war to end do it yourself!" I snap, turning away, heading for the door, "I'm not getting involved!"


"Shut it, Coran!"


"Ready for the trip to Altea tomorrow, Keith?" Shiro asks.

I groan in response.

"I'll take that as a no."

I move my arm away from my face, sending my best friend a tired and annoyed glare as I nod.

This trip will be a true test of my skills on the battlefield of royals. I shall be escorting the cunning yet charming Prince of Daibazaal to the kingdom of Altea for him to meet his fiance.

"I heard the Prince of Altea is a cutie," Shiro teases, "Maybe you'll get lucky."

I blush madly, turning to face the wall. I scoff, "This is war, Shiro. I don't have time for love or 'getting lucky'. Besides... A prince is forbidden from having any romantic affairs with a servant. That includes knights."

"I wouldn't be too quick to guess. Maybe Altea is different?"

"I highly doubt it. Kingdoms are all the same."

"Alright... believe as you may. If it helps you sleep better then so be it."

He leaves it at that. Blowing out the candle, he climbs into the bed above me. Silence falls on us along with the darkness of the evening. Dusk has past and the night guards are on duty. Now it's time for us to rest. We wake at dawn to take the Prince to Altea.

I close my eyes, the darkness thickens and slip into sleep.


"Rise and shine, sleepy beauty."

My eyes flutter open, the light of dawn shining into the tiny room. Shiro stands beside me, already ready. Sitting up, I swing my legs over the edge of the bed, yawning and standing. Shiro moves aside and waits as I tiredly get ready as fast as I can.

"Make sure to tie your hair back."

I roll my eyes at the obvious and grab my red ribbon and tie my hair back out of my face and grab the rest of my stuff.


Light floods into my room, waking me. My eyes slowly adjust to the new day full of light and joy. Though today is not joyful. Rather, it's devastating. Today, my whole world is going to come crashing down on me.

"Rise and shine your highness," Coran speaks normally as if today was anything close to normal.

I glare at him and turn my back to him, pulling my covers over my head.

"Your Highness? Are you feeling alright?" Coran asks me.

I scoff, pushing the covers off of me, sitting upright, "Far from it."

He stops opening curtains and rushes over to me, checking me for a fever.

"You feel fine...?"

I gently push his hand away and smile sadly, "I'm just depressed. That's all."

"Is it about your mother?"


The sound of knocking interrupts us.

"Who is it?" Coran calls out.

Pidge, another royal adviser of sorts and also a good friend of mine, speaks from the other side of the door, "The Prince of Daibazaal should be here in about 2 hours. I'd suggest you start to get ready, Lance!"

I groan and stretch. Today's going to be a long day.

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