Secret Friends

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"Wait, you mean to say they're your family??!" Webby exclaimed. "Y-" Louie was cut off. "I have to go add this to my board!" Webby said, racing out of the room. "And there she goes." Lena said.

"Sooo..." Louie said. "You're our brother?!" "How old are you!?" "What's your favorite food?!" "Why are you here?!" "What's your favorite color?!" "Do you like it here?!" "How old are you-wait I already said that."

"Be quiet!" Louie yelled. There was immediate silence. "So..I'm just gonna go...catch up with pink." Lena said, walking out of the room. "Pink?" they asked. "Just go." Louie replied. "But we're supposed to be here." Dewey insisted. "Yeah! And we wanna get to know you." Huey added.

"Well, I'm sorry, but I'm busy right about now." Louie said, inching his way to the doorway. But the siblings just followed. Louie ran down the hall and went into his room. He was about to slam the door on them, but Dewey stuck his foot in the way, and they pushed the door open.


Louie's room was huge. There was a light switch by the door and one by the bed. There were 2 large windows with green curtains. The room's wallpaper was green with $ signs. There was a four-poster bed with green pillows, sheets, and blankets that had the print of $100 bills, and there was an oak wardrobe. There was a chandelier hanging from the ceiling and a 200 inch TV on the wall infront of a green lounge couch. Next to the bed was a nightstand. There was a golden khopesh hanging above the bed. There was a door leading to a bathroom. Inside was a tub, a shower, a sink, and a toilet. The wallpaper was green with lighter green vertical stripes. 

(A/N: Yes, I'm giving him a better life cuz he's my fav character. Deal with it.)

"Amazing!" they chorused. Louie flopped down on the bed. "Please leave me alone." he said, gaging at the word 'please'.

Huey and Dewey frowned to each other. "Ok.." Huey said reluctantly. They left, closing the door behind them. A green cat came out from behind the couch (think of Louie in his dream in A Nightmare on Killmotor Hill) and Louie's shadow warped, changing into the form of a boy with a similar hairstyle to Louie, but with the tips of his hair cerulean and red eyes. "Hey guys." Louie said, not opening his eyes. "Yeah, yeah. We get, Mr. I'm So Great I Can Sense You Coming." the cat fumed, jumping onto the bed. "Mmm. Yes. What he said." the shadow added lazily.

"Not my fault you and Luke are so loud." Louie remarked. "I'm a shadow! I don't make noise when I appear." Luke said.

"Yeah, yeah. Leo, get me a pep will you." Louie asked. "Ugh. Fine." The cat got up, stretched, and jumped off the bed. He walked over to the minifridge and wrapped his tail around the handle. He yanked it open and grabbed a pep with his mouth, kicking the door closed. He jumped back on the bed, tossed the pep to Louie, and curled up in a comfy position.

"Those kids are annoying." Luke remarked. Louie snorted. "Tell me about it. I'm the one who has to deal with them." he replied. "Just con them into leaving or something." Leo said. "Ha. If only. Scrooge wants them here. There's no changin' that." Louie said.

"That's too bad. Maybe I can scare them."  the cat said. "You? Ha. How?" Luke asked. "With my other form, duh."  the cat replied. "It's possible. But if they tell Scrooge, which they probably will, he'll go looking for a you." Luke said. "Yeah, but they won't be looking for a cat." "They shouldn't be looking for anything! They could find you!" Luke exclaimed. "Fine. Scratch that idea. Heh." Leo said, snickering at his own joke. Louie and Luke rolled their eyes.

There was a knock on the door. Leo dived under the blankets, and Luke disappeared from the wall, leaving a regular shadow.

Louie groaned. "Come in."


"What do you mean he's the third one?!" Donald shouted. "He's the third triplet." Scrooge replied. "How do you have him!?" Donald asked. "He was left at the door. All those year ago, when she..." Scrooge trailed off. Donald calmed down a bit. He understood now that it wasn't really his fault. And even if it was, it was in the past.

"Why didn't you tell me?" he asked. "I tried lad. I tried calling you, but you never answered. So I just took care of him." Scrooge replied.

"Oh. I'm sorry." Donald said.

"Me too." Scrooge replied. "I'm sorry that only now did you get to meet the third triplet."

The Third Triplet (A Ducktales Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now