Spying On A Walk

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It was a few days later, and Huey, Dewey, and Donald had moved into the mansion(much to Louie's dismay). They had gotten their own room a few rooms away from Louie's. Dewey and Huey had been researching as much as they could about Della, but not finding much(or anything, for that matter). Louie was casually tagging along, watching their efforts with little interest.

The next afternoon, Louie walked into the foyer. "I'm going for a walk!" he shouted, though he knew no one was there. At least he thought no one was there. "Ooh, sounds fun! We'll come too!" came Dewey's excited voice from behind Louie. Then he heard the familiar sound of someone attempting to slide down the stairway handrail. He cringed when he heard a loud thump.

"I'm ok!" Dewey's muffled voice shouted. Louie turned around. Huey was already rushing down the stairs to help his brother, who was face down on the carpet.

Dewey got up and brushed himself off. Then they looked to Louie.

"Can we come?" Huey asked. "Umm...no." Louie said. Then he swiftly slipped through the door and closed it behind him, before either of them could protest.

Louie walked down the street, observing people as they bustled through the city, on their daily errands.

His shadowed wavered and slowly took form.

No one noticed though, since there were so many other people around. Well, almost no one noticed.

A Few Minutes Ago

Louie closed the door and left the 2 brothers in the foyer. "Hmm. Something's not right here." Huey said suspiciously. "Ooh, let's follow him!" Dewey suggested. "Follow who?" They jumped. They turned around, seeing Webby who had seemingly popped out of nowhere and was now sliding down the handrails(quite successfully I might add).

"Umm, hi?" Huey said.

"Hi guys! So, who were you going to follow?" she asked. "Louie. He went for a walk, but he really didn't want us to come. Suspicious." Dewey replied. "Oh, that's just Louie. He goes on a walk every week. It's kind of his alone time. Even though he's alone pretty much all the time.." Webby said. "Oh. Well, we're going to follow him anyway." Dewey said determinedly. "Ok! Well, I just came to get a few things." Webby said. She walked out of the foyer and into the kitchen. She walked back out carrying a number of things the boys couldn't name and then went back to her room, leaving the boys alone again.

They walked out the door and ran to find Louie.

The two walked through the streets of Duckburg, looking for Louie. Finally they spotted his green hoodie and walked towards him, stopping to hide behind a fire hydrant.

They watched him talking to someone. "Who is he-" Then Dewey noticed his shadow. "Huey, look at his shadow!" Dewey whispered. Huey looked. Louie's shadow had formed into a boy with cerulean tipped hair and red eyes. "Wha..?" Huey asked.

"So, what's for today?" Luke asked. "Mm. Never know." Louie replied, taking out a pep from his jacket pocket. "Too bad Leo couldn't make it." Luke said. "Yeah. He'd probably get a lot done, with his sneaky paws." Louie said thoughtfully. "Well, let's get going."

Huey and Dewey just stared. "Who's Leo?" Dewey asked finally. "I don't know. Maybe we can ask Webby later, or something." Huey replied.

They followed as Louie walked down the side walk.

Louie made a move of slipping behind someone, his hand moving quickly and doing something the boys couldn't make out. "Did he just...?" Dewey asked. "I don't know." Huey replied. They spied as he did similar things to other people. They saw him get into a conversation with an old lady. Something about a charity. The lady handed him a wad of money and he walked off. Then Louie crossed the street. But before the two could follow, a long line of rushing cars sped by, blocking their view.

"You know, you two aren't very good at sneaking. Or spying for that matter." a voice said from behind them. Huey and Dewey whirled around, coming face to face with Louie. "Wait-you-how-you just-" Dewey stuttered. "Were you just stealing from people?" Huey asked firmly. Louie raised his eyebrow. "So what if I was?" he replied calmly. "You could be arrested!" Huey exclaimed. "And what was up with your shadow?" Dewey asked. There was a flicker of uneasiness is Louie's eyes for a fraction of a second, but it quickly disappeared, and only Dewey noticed.

"My shadow? Well, that's when light shines-" Louie was cut off. "I know what a shadow is! But yours was different. It changed into a person!" Dewey insisted. "You're crazy." he replied.

"No! Huey saw it too! Right?" Dewey looked to Huey, who looked a bit unsure. "Well, you know, it could have been a trick off light.." he said.

"Well, I don't care what you think you saw. Just stop stalking me." Louie said, heading back in the direction of the mansion.

"He's definitely got secrets."

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