Research Pt. 2

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They headed to the front yard, and saw Launchpad trying to fix up a plane that was in pieces. "Hey Launchpad!" Webby said. "Hi Webby, Louie, random kids I don't know!" Launchpad exclaimed. "I'm Dewey!" Dewey said. "Hi, I'm Huey." Huey greeted. "Alright! What can I do for you." Launchpad asked. "Well, we were wondering if you could drive us to the bin." Louie said. "Oh ok! Wait, what did Mr. McD say?" Launchpad asked. "Well, let's just say, he's busy." Louie said. "Oh, ok. Let's go!"

They went into the garage and got into the limo. Launchpad drove them to the bin, and in the parking lot, he crashed into a pillar. "Alright, were here!" They climbed out of the limo. "See you guys later!" Launchpad backed up and drove away (after crashing into 5 more pillars).

"So, where to now?" Huey asked. "The McDuck Archives!" Webby said, running to the entrance that said "Stairs". They followed her. After walking down a long hall, they came to big double-doors. Above them was a picture of a book in gold. "Here we are!" she exclaimed. She knocked on the door.

The doors opened and there was a lady standing there. "Go away, Webby. For the last time, the McDuck Archives are strictly off limits." She tried to close the door, but Webby stuck her foot between it. "Except to his family! Meet Huey, Dewey, and you probably already know Louie even though he never comes here!" she exclaimed, gesturing to all of them.

The librarian adjusted her glasses, inspecting them. Then she threw open the doors. "Behold, heirs of Clan McDuck!"

"I am Quackfaster, the archivist of the McDuck Archives."

Webby ran in first and grabbed random books, reading their titles. "The Collected Treasure Maps of Peru! A Topographical Atlas Of Plain Awful! Scrooge's Favorite Smells Volume 12! Fresh cookies, I knew it!"

"Focus, Webby. We're here to find out about Della Duck." Dewey said, turning to the librarian. "So you all seek to learn about your past, but are you strong enough to learn the truth?" Quackfaster said mysteriously. "Yeess." Dewey replied. "Wrong! You must first prove yourselves worthy by passing the trial!" the librarian shouted. "Ugh. Aren't libraries supposed to be quiet?" Louie asked.

Quackfaster exploded in smoke. "This is my new favorite library!" Webby exclaimed.


The librarian was pushing a cart of books, while the kids walked beside her. "So, what do you know about our mom? Was she really an adventurer?" Huey asked. "Silence!" the librarian shouted, pointing at him. "Behold, your first test!" she said, gesturing to a wall of filing cabinets, where a few of them were open.

"You must decipher the ancient mysterious code within!" she said. "Yes, I love codes!" Webby said, walking up to one of the cabinets. "Huey, you start with a number shift cipher, while I try a mono alphabetic substitution. Dewey, you-" Webby was interrupted. "I'm pretty sure this is just a library card catalog." Dewey said. "Mystery solved." he said, walking away.

"Oh yeah? If it's just a card catalog, then how does it know your name?" Webby asked. The pointed to a sign that said "Dewey Decimal". "Come on!" she exclaimed. Louie slapped his forehead. "Seriously?" he asked. Dewey just shrugged. Webby climbed up the filing cabinets.


"In order to gain knowledge from the archives, one must first offer up knowledge." Quackfaster said. She was pushing her cart again, while the children walked beside her. "Look, normally I would be super into a mysterious conspiracy quest, but can you at least give us a tiny piece of information on our mom?" Dewey said. "Dewey, don't question the ancient methods." Webby whispered. "I'm just sayin', these are feeling a little less like trials, and a little more like stalling." Dewey replied.

"It is not for us the understand the ways of the archives." the librarian said. "That is literally your job!" Dewey exclaimed. "I'm out, she doesn't know anything." Dewey said, walking away. The librarian came infront of him. "No one shall leave once the trials are undertaken! There are those who would destroy you for the information you seek!" she boomed. "Just like the mailman!" Webby said.

"Who's gonna destroy us? Scrooge? The government? The unicorn illuminati?" Dewey asked. "Me." "Wait-" "-what?!" She took out a sword. "Ahh!" they all yelled, running away.

"This is NOT how I wanted to spend my weekend!" Louie yelled over the sound of screaming children.

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