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Webby had gone to see Louie about Leo. Maybe she could get something out of him about Leo. As she walked to his room, she heard footsteps behind her and turned around swiftly, only to see the guilty faces of Dewey and Huey.

"Sorry, we just wanted to see where you were going." Huey said. Webby sighed. "It's fine. But be quieter." Then went to Louie's room. Webby went to the door, but heard Louie's voice saying something. She turned around and looked at Huey and Dewey's expectant faces. " should stay out here. I mean, after what you told me about your spying, you guys don't exactly have a great relationship. He might react differently if you two go in there too as opposed to just me." Webby said a bit uncertainly.

Huey nodded understandingly, while Dewey just huffed in frustration. Webby gave a small smile before knocking twice. A second later, she opened the door. Huey and Dewey stayed by the wall next to the door, fully intending to listen to the conversation.

"Hey Louie, I-" Webby froze as she looked over the scene in front of here. Louie and Lena stared blankly at her. Being as alert as she was, she saw Leo's tail disappear behind the couch. She also saw Louie's shadow with red eyes.

Jumping into action, she rushed towards Louie's shadow, jumping onto the bed. She tried to hit it, and in the process, stepped on Louie's leg. Her hand hit the wall, and she retaliated a bit in pain. "Ow! Webby, that was my leg!" Louie exclaimed, pulling his leg back in pain, causing Webby to lose her balance. She did a quick backflip and landed on the edge of the bed, falling forward.

After regaining her posture, she ran over to the couch. Leo was nowhere to be seen. "Webby, what are you doing in here?!" Louie asked. Louie looked to Lena. Lena shook her head, causing Louie to let out a small groan. 'Have to deal with this the old fashioned way then.' he thought, sighing.

"I came to ask you about something, but what was that?!" Webby asked, coming back over to bed. She sat down, looking at Louie expectantly. "What was what?" Louie asked, not admitting to anything. "That thing your shadow did! And that tail that went behind the couch!" Louie returned her questions with a blank stare.

Webby, seeming to suddenly realize something, looked at Lena. "Hey, why are you in here anyway? You said you something else to do and-" Then she put the pieces together. "Did you come in here to tell Louie about our conversation?" Webby asked confused with a hint of, was that frustration?

"No...?" Lena replied. Webby stared at her, unconvinced. "Fine. Yes." she replied. "Why? We were just talking about our investigation. What is there to warn-uh inform him about?" Webby said, slipping up for a second.

"Look, I don't appreciate you instigating investigations about me behind my back. If you have something to say, just say it." Louie said, directing their attention back to him. "What? Oh-um-well-..." Webby fiddled with her thumbs, thinking about whether or not to say something.

She found her courage before asking, "Who's Leo?"

Louie gave an unwavering stare. "He's a friend. Someone you don't know. And someone, I know for a fact, who does not appreciate being hunted down just because two dumb ducks who suck at sneaking around heard his name after stalking me and seeing an imaginary shadow." Louie replied, somewhat coldly.

Webby felt a bit hurt by his response. 'What's up with him?' she thought. "That's not nice. Your brothers just wanted to see where you were going. It's mean to call them names." she said. "I'm not calling them names, I'm stating the truth. They don't understanding anything they saw, and they shouldn't have followed me in the first place. I mean, who does that?" Louie replied, angrily.

The two siblings, who had been listening since Webby entered the room, felt crushed. Their brother apparently hated them, and found them 'dumb'.

Webby thought of something. "Your shadow too! It wasn't imaginary, I saw it too! Why was it like that?"

"I don't care what you saw. Just stop looking into things you don't understand." Louie said, his voice hard.

Webby looked to Lena for help, but she looked away. This is what she had been afraid of.

Picking sides.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2022 ⏰

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