A Talk

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Dewey was getting impatient. He and Huey had been waiting by the opposite wall for Webby and Lena to emerge and help them with their hunt. "What is taking them?" he asked. Huey shrugged. Dewey sighed. "Well, I'm just going to go see what-" Dewey stopped. He had walked across the hall and put his hand on the doorknob when he heard Lena saying, "-don't what you to tell them what I was, ok?" Dewey put his head to the door, trying to hear better. Then he distinctly heard Webby say, "Alright. If you really don't want me to tell them, then I wo-" Then he heard Lena cut in, "Great!"

Then Dewey heard footsteps and hastened away from the door and back to the opposite wall where Huey was staring at him, lest he be caught eavesdropping. Just what had Lena been? And why didn't she want them to know? Dewey pondered on these thoughts as the door opened and Webby and Lena walked out of the room, both of them carrying smiles on their faces, having apparently pushed their earlier conversation from their minds. Lena said something about having something else to do and walked off down the hall. Webby stared after her friend, before turning back to the boys.

"So, where should we start first?"


Meanwhile, Louie was resting in his room. He was lying on his bed, staring up at the ceiling, along with his secret friends.

"I heard they set up a manhunt for you, Leo." Luke snickered. Leo rolled his eyes. "Let us not forget that it was your carelessness of my name that got us in this situation." Leo shot back. "Ughh, guys, stop your bickering already. We need some sort of plan to get them off our trails." Louie said. "I don't exactly see you shooting out ideas." Leo fumed. "That's because I'm smart enough to keep my mouth shut while brainstorming, in case someone happens to be listening." Louie said. "Well, if someone were listening, they would probably think you're weird for assuming someone was listening, wouldn't they?" Luke cut in. Just then, there was a knock and the door opened.

Lena entered, closing the door behind her, apparently unsurprised by the scene that greeted her.

"To what do I owe the pleasure?" Louie asked sarcastically. "You know what they've been talking about, right?" Lena asked. "Oh, of course, because I have ears all over the mansion." Louie said. Lena rolled her eyes. "If you mean about the manhunt that they've set up for old lazybones here, then yes, we know." Luke answered. Lena turned to them. "Good to see you again. I suppose you also know that they've got Webby in on it, too, then?" she asked. They seemed mildly surprised but Louie just said, "It was only a matter of time before they decided to ask her. I mean, if I were looking for a stranger with no information on him, I'd probably go to her too."

Lena walked over to the bed and sat down. "Well, do you have a plan of action then?" Louie raised an eyebrow. "Why do you care so much?" he asked. "Because they may find him." "And why would you care if they found me?" Leo asked. "You do realize I could trample them?" Lena looked at him skeptically. "Not in this form, in my other form!" he said exasperatedly. "Why does no one get that?" "That would just make Scrooge even more determined to get you." she replied. "Scrooge? How is he involved in this?" Luke cut in. "You do realize that if they find a strange magical creature in the mansion, they'd alert Scrooge?" "Oh. But you still didn't answer the other question. Why would you care if Leo was caught?" Luke replied.

"Well, for starters, people would ask questions. Like, maybe, why is there a green talking cat in the manor? How does Louie know it? Where did it come from? And with all of your luck, someone would trace him back, eventually leading to me and Louie. And I'm sorry that I care what may happen after that." Lena said, crossing her arms. Luke and Leo nodded slowly. Louie just raised an eyebrow.

"First off, how would anyone trace him? And you don't actually think anyone could possibly connect him with you or me, do you? I mean me, maybe, but you? Besides, no one could do anything about it." Louie said. "Yeah, but the questions. I just got over being a shadow and having betrayed Webby. I don't care about keeping the secret that much, but if it gets out.." Lena trailed off.

"You two don't belong here." she said, looking at Luke and Leo. "It only a matter of time until the universe decides to right itself and someone finds out." "Relax, would you? They've been here for years. It's not like someone here will suddenly grow brains and find them-"

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Luke took a while to fade, and Leo jumped from the bed and dashed behind the couch, his tail still disappearing behind the couch as the door opened quickly.

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