An upset Snek Boi

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So: Before Solin. In season 4 I kinda shipped Mitch/Viper and Collin. Don't judge me. Or do. Anyways I've finally decided to write a viper x Collin story. Also- ship names, I could never come up with a good ship name.

Collin's POV
Collin: It's been about three or so weeks since I was practically forced into joining Grimshade. Some of them seemed nice. Seek and Lily were the ones that hung out with me at times. Bren wasn't around much but he seemed nice when he was. Micheal also wasn't around much. He was the guild leader, really strong and sometimes scary, according to Seek and Lily. Pat was cool, he is always drinking tea whenever I see him and is on the calmer side of things. Then there's Viper. He's kinda rude to me, I don't get why. Seek says he's like that to everyone. And while that did seem true, I couldn't help but feel he was a bit meaner to myself compared to the others. Well, besides my guildmates there's the...thing...that's inside me. I still don't know what it is or what it wants. All I know is that I can't let it take over again. After all I've finally found a place I could possibly call home. I don't want this thing to ruin that for me.

Collin: I sighed. I was sitting on my bed, listening to the thing speak in my head.

Thing(aka Zata): 'You can't keep me from getting control forever. And when I do get control. I'll kill all of your little friends.'

Collin: I can't count how many times he's made this threat since I got here. It was annoying, especially since I knew he was right. I mean, maybe not entirely on the killing part, the people here are strong and definitely stand a much better chance the people he's killed before. But even so, they could still get hurt and it would be my fault. All my fault. Everything this thing has done has been my fault. If I was just strong enough he couldn't take control.

Thing: 'Collin, are you listening to me?'

Collin: The stupid voice interrupted my thoughts, reminding me of his presence.

Collin: "yeah, I'm just annoyed."

Collin: I spoke aloud. The thing chuckled.

Thing: 'annoyed? At little ol' me?'

Collin: "of course, you constantly threaten my friends. All you do is make my life miserable."

Thing: 'aw, is the little baby gonna cry?"

Collin: He was teasing me. I kinda wish he wasn't in my head, just so I could punch him in the face. But he was, and I had to live with that.

Collin: "you know what. I could use some fresh air."

Collin: I slid off my bed.

Thing: 'Do whatever you want.'

-later cause I'm lazy as fuc-

Collin: I had somehow ended up in the middle of Alantide. I just wandered around, not going anywhere specific. I figured it was about time to head back when a noise caught my attention. It sounded as if someone was crying. I looked around for the specs of the cry. When I pinpointed a direction it wasn't long until the person came into view. Needless to say I was shocked by who it was. I started at the blue haired dragon slayer in front of me. Viper was crying on the ground, in front of him was a wall that had many signs, all with what looked like names. I was confused. I stood in silence, watching him cry. I was at a loss for words. I wasn't even thinking when my body started moving. I stepped closer to the older male, sitting on the ground beside him. I sat there, waiting for him to notice me. When he did he looked up at me. He looked mad.

Viper: "what are you doing here?"

Collin: You could hear the venom in his voice.

Collin: "I was just walking around when I found you."

Collin: I didn't want to upset him more. Although I didn't know why he was so upset.

Viper: "Well you can go now."

Collin: He looked away from me. I could hear the thing laughing at his misery. That made me mad.

Collin: "I could, but I won't."

Collin: He looked back at me. His face was a little red. I didn't know why. He looked confused.

Viper: "why not?"

Collin: "well, A: I actually don't know how to get back to the guild. B: you are obviously upset, I'm not just gonna leave you here by yourself, knowing you're upset."

Collin: His face was even redder now. Which worried me. Was he sick or something?

Viper: "T-that's just stupid."

Collin: The stutter didn't go unnoticed. Now I was really questioning his health.

Collin: "Viper, are you ok? Your face is all red."

Collin: His face turned an even deeper red. I scooted closer to him. I reached up and put my hand to his forehead, checking to see if he had a temperature. He seemed to be ok. That just confused me even more. If he wasn't sick why was he all red.

Collin: "Viper?"

Collin: He turned away from me again. I was starting to get a little upset myself.

Collin: "Vip-"

Collin: I stopped when Viper grabbed my wrist. I started to panic a little. He turned to face me again, his face a bright red. He leaned closer to me.

Viper: "Collin?"

Collin: "y-yea?"

Collin: My mind was racing. The thing was quite. Viper leaned even closer to me. I faces were only an inch apart. I could feel his breath against my face.

Viper: "I think I like you."

Collin: Before I could even process what he said he pushed his lips into mine. He was kissing me.

~To Be Continued~

Do you hate me yet?

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