Its a Plane

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I'm not sure if people are calling Solin a plane instead of a ship but I am so yeah.

Collin's POV
"Oh Steve, do you think anything bass going to happen this year?" I asked the skeleton. He didn't exactly speak but I could understand what he was saying. If you know what I mean. Everyone thinks I'm crazy for talking to a skeleton but I don't think so. "You do? That sucks. I was hoping for a good year." I said sadly. I sighed. After everything that happened with Zata last year, then being alone for nearly a year. I just wish I could have a good year with out any bad things. Unfortunately I'm basically cursed. At least Zata isn't a problem anymore. I hope. And then there's Seek. I don't get why he hangs around me. He's obviously scared of me. He even said that Zata had destroyed his village. Of course, Zata's destroyed many villages. So he confuses me. Wouldn't he want to get his revenge on me since he can't kill Zata? Maybe he thinks Zata will come back. I don't really know. Oh well. "Hey Steve. You're my friend right?" I asked. I listened for his response. I smiled. "Yeah. Thanks." I thanked the skeleton.

Seek's POV
Why do I stay around Collin? Well, I don't know really. I am scared that Zata might come out. So why am I always around Collin? To stop Zata if he comes out? Or is it some other reason? Whatever it is. I don't think it's healthy for me. I'm constantly hanging around the one with the thing I'm scared of possibly in him. Not to mention he's kind of crazy. He talks to a skeleton likes it's his best friend for crying out loud. I think he needs to see a psychiatrist.

I opened the door to Collins room. I liked to check up on him. Once again I don't have an answer too why. I guess it just makes me feel better to know that he's doing okay and that there's no signs of Zata returning. I walked into him staring at one of the creepy paintings. The paintings concern me. Collin looked at me. "Oh hey Seek." He greeted. I smiled, although it was a little forced. "Hey Collin...what cha up too?" I asked. He hummed. "The usual...why?" He asked. "Heh, just wondering." I said. "You wouldn't happen to be feeling weird lately, have you?" I asked. He blinked. "No...not really." He said. I sighed in relief. "Good." I said.

Collin's POV
There he goes again. Asking me questions about how I've been feeling. " good Seek?" I asked, knowing he would say yes. "Y-yeah. Just making sure my buddy's good. Ya know?" He asked. I forced a laugh. "I get it. I'm still a danger to those around me." I said. He frowned. "N-no. That's not what I meant!" He exclaimed. I sighed. "Drop it. It's clear you only hang around me because of Zata." I said. I had had enough. "Th-that's not true!" He exclaimed. "Isn't it?" I asked. He shrunk away from me. "You're scared of me! Why else would you hang around?!" I asked, yelling in the process. He looked down.

Seek's POV
He's right. I know he is. I shouldn't be scared of my friend. I've been a bad friend. "I'm sorry..." My voice was but a whisper. He let out a breath. "Di-did you just apologize?" He asked for clarification. I nodded, my gaze still locked with the floor. I gasped when I was suddenly pulled into a tight hug.

Collin's POV
I hugged him, as right as I could without hurting him. Why? Because he said sorry. That made me happy. It made me realize that he wasn't so bad. "C-Collin?!" Seek said my name in a questioning and panicking tone. I blinked. "Yeah?" I asked. "Could you let go now?" He asked. I gasped, pulling away quickly. "I'm sorry!" I apologized. He blinked. "Was it something I said?" He asked. I smiled. "You apologized. That means you're not bad!" I exclaimed. He chuckled. "Oh. I see. But..." his voice trailed off, getting sad. "But what?" I asked. He sighed. "You were right. I am scared of you. And I want to make sure Zata doesn't come back." He said. I blinked. I frowned. "So. You don't care about me?" I asked. He shook his head. "No. I do care about you I mean! I guess I just let my worries about Zata cloud my judgement about my feelings for you." He explained. I perked up. "So you are my friend?!" I asked to be sure. He nodded. "Well yeah..maybe even more..?" He said, a questioning tone at the end. I blinked. "What do you mean?" I asked. He reached out and took my hands, looking up to meet my eyes. "I mean. I realize that I like you more than a friend." He said. I blinked, realization sparked. My face heated up. "Yo-you love me?!" I asked. He nodded. My mind was running. What do I say? Do I like him back? "I-um. I..." I stuttered out. He frowned. "It's okay if you don't feel the same." He said, releasing my hands. I blinked. In that moment I didn't care, I pulled him into a hug, tears started to pour from my eyes. "No. I love you too!!" I exclaimed, so happy to finally realize this. He hugged back. "Nice...what should are ship name be?" He asked in a joking tone. I hummed. "Solin. And it's not a ship." I said. He tilted his head. "What do you mean?" He asked. I smiled.

"It's a Plane."

-The End-

Wow. Ending a one shot off with the title of the story? Amazing.

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