The Unknowing Spy Pt:5

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Micheal's POV
I blinked, looking around the void-like space that was his mind. I've never come into someone's mind to see nothing. Usually it's their favorite place that the minds space embodies. I wonder what this means. Is it always like this or is this due to whatever is controlling him? I can't tell. I'm not sensing anything yet. Whatever this is, it's been concealed well. I perked up at a sound. A ticking sound. A clock? An image faded in, the black turned to an array of colors. He might be dreaming. We put him to sleep before I came in here, figuring I would get more answers that way. My feet were now on a seemingly solid surface. I look around. A house? I looked down. My eyes widened. A pool of blood covered the floor. I tense, turning around. My hand went to cover my mouth as I gasped. A body lay on the floor. A brown haired man with messy hair. A blood stained white shirt with blue cuffs. My breath became heavier. What was this? Just then I could hear it, sobbing. I turned. My eyes landed a younger looking Lucas. He was shaking and sobbing in the corner of the room, blood splattered his clothes. I see...this must be a memory. A heard that his god caused him trouble in the past. This must be what happened. I go towards him. Suddenly I fall, I look to see what made me fall. A tentacle-like mass of water was wrapped around my foot. I tense. "What the hell!" I exclaim, kicking the water off of me. Did his mind just try to attack me? That shouldn't be possible. I get up quickly. This is bad...

"Micheal..." A voice calls out. An all too familiar voice. "Eden." I state. He chuckles. "Yes that's me..." He confirms. I growl. I should have known he was behind this. "Just how long have you been controlling him for?" I ask. He chuckled again. "Ever since I met him." He answers. I tense. So...he's been controlling this boy for that long. "Oh and...I'lol warn you, you can't get rid of me. Only he can, but, as long as his mind remains weak. That won't happen." He cautions. I growl. "Why him, why mess with an innocent person?" I demanded an answer. His laughter boomed throughout the room. "Oh...he was the perfect target. His mind was already weak. I just weakened it even more." He says. My breath hitches. "What did you do?!" I ask, worried about what he could have done to Lucas. He hummed. "Did you know...this boy is really self-conscious?" He asked. I blinked. Lucas is self-conscious? I never would have guessed. He may not be as outgoing as someone like David, but he's always helped others. You just assume he has no problems. "Oh and...don't tell him that I'm the one controlling him." He demands. I glare at the wall. "Why shouldn't I?" I question. He laughs. "I won't really you can tell whoever else about it. But if you tell Lucas...I'll have to hurt him." He threatens. I tense. "'re using him as a spy and a hostage." I state. "Indeed I am." He confirms. My fists clench. I can't let an innocent person get hurt. I sigh. "Fine. I won't tell him. But I will find a way to free him from you." I claim. His annoying laughter rings through the room again. "Oh...good luck with that.."

I blink. Did I just get kicked out of his mind? I think so...I looked down at Lucas. His eyes flutter open. "So...did you figure it out?" He asked, his voice quite. I hesitantly shook my head. He frowned. I turned to the other two. They had frowns on their faces. "You really didn't find anything?" Brandon questioned. I sighed. "Nothing, whatever this is, it's hidden so well that I can't even find it." I lie.

The twins walked in front of me. I asked them to talk on private without Lucas. They agreed. Once we were well away from the room, they turned to me. "So. What's wrong?" Ritchie asked. I sigh. "Well. I lied first of all. I did figure out what was wrong." I admit. Their eyes widened. "Why would you lie?" Brandon asks. I shake my head. "Because I can't tell Lucas." I claim. They blink. "What do you mean?" Ritchie questions. I frown. "You see...the one controlling him is...Eden. He- he told me that if I let Lucas know. Than Lucas would be hurt." I explain. The two look at each other so worries expressions. "How long?" Brandon asks. "Since the start." I respond. He frowns. "Alright...let's get our guild mate back."

-To Be Continued-

Lucas angst go brrrrrrr.

Why all the beans gotta have angst? Can't they be happy, like, have a happy childhood, memories, didn't kill their teacher, didn't get abandoned by their parents, etc.

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