The Past.

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Boat: It was horrible, I watched in horror as a women with light blue stabbed a man with brown hair and blue eyes. The scene faded and he was only the ground bleeding as the same woman, a man with black hair, and a boy who was a little older then laughed at me. They ordered me to do things and I obeyed. I couldn't feel anything, not when when the woman used her wip on me, not ever. I was skinny and frail, covered in scars. One day I had enough, I ran away.

Boat: It wasn't long before I got lost in the woods. I broke down crying not knowing what to do. Suddenly a girl with long flowing white hair appeared before me. She introduced herself as Gallren the god of water, she told me she would bring me to a place that I could call home as well as lend me her power. The only thing I had to do was agree to be her host.

~Nightmare End~

Boat: I woke up, sweating. I immediately got up and splashed water into my face to calm myself down. It took me a minute to catch my breath, once I did I changed into a white turtle neck with over-sized sleeves to replace my blue one. I didn't want my guild mates to see my scars.

Boat: I remembered we had a meeting today so I headed toward the guild hall.

~Le Time Skip~

Boat: Most of the guild was at the meeting it was all good until David came bursting through the doors saying someone was invading the island. I didn't know why but I was sick to my stomach when I heard that.

Boat: We all ran outside and I immediately regretted that. There he was, My step brother, Ein. He looked at me with a smile on his face as I backed up.

Ein: "What's the matter Boat? Aren't you happy to see your brother?"

Boat: My guild mates looked at me as I said. "Your no brother of mine."

Ein: "Well that may be true, but I still control you."

Boat: After saying that he commanded me to come with him, I obeyed.

David's Pov:

David: I looked at the others who all had the same expression on their face, complete and utter shock. I was really confused to, it didn't seem like boat liked whoever that was, yet he went with him?

Inmo: "Is anyone else completely lost, or is it just me?"

Kit: "I don't know what just happened."

David: I snapped out of my daze and said."Well clearly we need to save him."

Richie: "I don't know David...Boat went with that guy without a fight. Are you sure he needs saving?"

David: "Look, I know Boat. he didn't like that guy, I don't know why he went with him, but something tells me he didn't want to."

Brandon: Brandon nodded his head in agreement. 'Then it's settled, lets get our god slayer back."

Boat's Pov:

Boat: When we arrived at my old home, Ein beat me.

Ein: "This should teach you not to run away."

Boat: "Heh, where are they?"

Ein: "My mother and father are dead."

Boat: "Serves them right." Ein was about to hit me again when a mix of explosions, electricity, wind, fire, ice, earth, and an axe knocked him into a wall, killing him. I didn't have enough strength left so when I felt someone lift me form the ground, my body went limp.

David's Pov:

Boat: I watched as Boat went limp in my arms. I carried him back to my house with the others following him. once I brought him to his bed I went downstairs to see everyone looking at me. 

Richie: "Should we confront him about this?"

David: I shook my head. "He'll tell us about it when and if he's ready."

After that everyone went back to there normal routine, although they were much more protective over Boat. Eventually he opened up to them about his past and how he lost all emotion. This shocked his guild mates, but they all made a pact to help Boat regain his emotions.

~To Be Continued??~       

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