Remembering and Found Out

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Part four of 'The Time Bean Snaps'

Brandon's POV
I woke up in a cold sweat. It's been a few weeks since I regained control. But for the past few days I've been waking up in cold sweats like today. I've been having nightmares, flashes of memories from when Jupiter was in control. But I can only remember a few faces and name's. Today I was quite confused as the flashes of last nights nightmare came to me. I recall one person. Jakey, the time wizard of the Protectors and earth counterpart to my friend Jakey from Salode. But why was he in my nightmare? Was he involved with Jupiter somehow? If he was, there's no way he could have done anything bad. Not to insult Jakey but, he's soft and kind of a wimp. I could see him being forced into doing something bad. But never of his own free will...right? I mean. He's probably the nicest person I've ever met. Maybe I should confront him on this...

And I'm doing exactly that. Here I was on the Protectors island, coming up to Jakeys clock shaped house when I heard a voice. I stopped to listen, curious who it was. "Oh O-Oliver I ju-st d-don't knoww wha-t to doo..." The voice said. I knew who it was immediately. Between the fact of the stutter and the fact that he was talking to Oliver. I knew it was Jakey. Now I was even more interested in what he was talking about. Seeing as I came to talk about his involvement with Jupiter and Devils Tongue. I listened closely. "I mean, it's nice to have better powers and all...and my friends won in the end...but I still helped the bad guys..." he said, sounding like he was on the verge of breaking out into tears. If this didn't confirm my suspicions I don't know what would. I don't know wether to be mad at him or not. On one hand it sounds like he helped them for power, but on the other hand it sounded like he regretted it... "B-Brandon?" A voice chimed. I snapped out of my thoughts to see Jakey in front of me with a concerned expression, Oliver in his hands. I blinked. Now is the time to talk to him. "Jakey..." I started. I was hesitant to talk to him. Why? Because he was easily scared, not to mention adorable. What? It's true. Anyways. I took in a breath, preparing myself for this. "Were you...maybe...involved with Jupiter!?" I asked. A look of fear filled his eyes. He took two steps away from me quickly. He was shaking from head to toe. I was afraid this would happen. "I-I-I." He struggled to speak. I sighed. "It's okay. I'm not mad...well. It depends on your reasoning." I said, then immediately regretted it as that didn't sound very assuring. He took another step back. Oliver wiggled his way out of the shaking boys arms. Suddenly he rammed into me. I fell back onto the ground, Oliver on top of me. Suddenly Jakey ran.

Long after Jakey was long gone Oliver calmed down and got off of me. I sighed, looking at the creature. I have a feeling Oliver would do anything for Jakey. I picked up the little creature. "Sorry about that. I didn't want to scare him. But I had to confront him about it. If he really was involved with the enemy then it's my job as a guild leader to look into it." I apologized and explained to the creature, figuring he would understand. "Poncho!"(Idk) He exclaimed. I smiled, taking that as him understanding. "Can you please take me too him. If you know where he is." I asked. He nodded, jumping from my arms he ran off. I quickly got up and followed.

I followed him all the way to a small pond. There sat Jakey, at the edge of the water. His face was buried in his knees. Oliver went up to him, rubbing against his legs. He raised his head a bit. Then put it back down when he saw me. I sighed, walking up to him. I kneeled down beside him. "Jakey. I'm sorry about before. I didn't mean to scare you. But I really need to know how you were involved." I explained, hoping he would understand. He raised his head up. He sighed. "Not l-long after you- you disappeared. Jupiter c-c-came to mme, offering m-me power...Then...a while ago. I-I wasn't f-feeling the best...
Bryan l-left, and K-Kay and L-Lo'fo weren't... really aaaround anymore. T-Then N-Nix came tooo me and- brought me to D-Devils T-Tongue. (Imma just ignore the stutter now. *insert stutter*). I don't know why I went with him, but I did. Then Jupiter had me choose between enhancing my time magic and gaining a second magic. I choose the enhancement. Then he made me promise to help them when they attacked the gmg. So I did. I mean, they still lost but..." he trailed off before finishing his explanation. "You still feel bad about it?" I guessed that's what he was going to say. He nodded. "Yeah...sorry." He apologized. "No need to say sorry. We all make mistakes. And you didn't do anything too bad." I said. "So I'm not in trouble?" He asked. I laughed. "No. Not with me anyways." I said, jokingly. "Oh..." He said. I laughed again. "Come on. Let's go make some cookies or something." I said, sitting up from the ground. "Okay! Let's go!" Jakey said.

-The End-

I didn't know how to end this.


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