Birthdays pt 1

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Axca woke up to the sound of crying. At first she ignored it because of other things, but she heard words.

She walked out to see Veronica putting a finger to her lips, Axca nodded in understanding. Adora stood beside her and gave her a look that asked what was going on, but the other girl just shrugged.

"Happy Birthday Tóru and Taichi" a small pause for a shaky breath, "I wish you guys were here"

"Hey Sor" Veronica's voice spoke. "That day isn't it?"

"I-i j-j-just miss them so much" the girls voice sounded like shattered glass. As she spoke, you can hear a the cracks forming.

"Its alrig-" Veronica started to say before Sora cut her off.

"Don't you dare finish that sentence because I never got to see him"

Both Axca and Adora looked at eachother with the same question. "What?"

"I never got to see my own child" her scream sounded like it could make a person go deaf. Like a dog whistle for humans.

"Shou-shouldn't a mother see their own child?" Sora continued to rant.

"As soon as he was born they took him from me. My parents orded them to. I heard him crying. Crying for his mother that was never there to make him stop." She gave a small pause then continued, "what makes this worse is that it was his father's birthday as well and it's j-j-just t-to much."

Adora ran over to Sora to give her a hug in comfort.

Axca awkwardly walked over to the girls giving a pat on Sora's back as she cried.
Veronica looked at Axca and gave a small smile towards the girl.

It was a sad day for the girls. 


Hey Hey Hey!!! 

So update bc I couldn't leave yall hanging and stuff. Also I had to put the an Axca POV bc all I've done is Keith's. Um also Axca is going to be here for a while. Hope you like it. I didn't want to miss a month of updating on this. Please comment on what you like so far. 


My child named Sugawara 

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My child named Sugawara 

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