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I was in my room for almost two hours but I just couldn't take it anymore, I was done. I had to leave before my parents came to check on me. I grabbed my phone and hoodie and climbed out my window.

Half an hour later I end up in an alleyway, I didn't think anyone was there until I heard voices around the corner ahead. I start walking towards the voices but I hear gunshots, I start to run the other way until I trip over something. The impact of the fall was to much I had fainted.
I woke up tied to a chair, it was confusing at first but then I remembered what had happened in the alley.
My eyes scattered the room until they were met with beautiful ocean blue eyes belonging to an even more beautiful male. He was tall with brown fluffy hair, oh I wanted to touch it soo bad.

The man chuckles as he see's my mouth is hanging open while staring into his eyes.
"Like what you see?"
He says as he leans against the wall.

I was confused but realize my mouth is wide open, thankfully there was no drool coming out.
That would be so embarrassing for this beautiful creature to see me drool. I mean he is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. His eyes are so precious, I could stare into them for days if I had the chance. I don't even know him but I am in love.

 He starts walking towards me, he puts some hair behind my ear and whispers "thanks for the compliment but isn't it a little to early to love me. You don't even know my name yet."

Omg even his voice was perfect. But it slowly came back to me.
"Omg did I say that out loud!"
yelling terrified at what just happened.

"Its okay, I don't mind. I find you perfect myself, well almost. If it weren't for your parents then you would be perfect."

Why was he talking about my parents

"You know my parents? I don't know how though, they never leave the house." 

he gave me a funny look but then was headed for the door. You quickly untie your hands and grab onto his arm.
"Where am I, and who are you?"
He seemed shocked at me getting out of the rope, but it seemed he may know more than me. Not just about the kidnapping.

"That is none of your concern"
He said in a calm voice.
"Oh and how the hell did you get out of that rope, it was tied in a very complicated way. It was very hard to even try to untie it."

For someone who knows my parents he seemed very dumb.
"Are you stupid, you should know my parents put me through safety precautions when I was younger. They made me get out of a whole bunch of dangerous obstacles, and easy stuff like how to break out of things like rope."

He wasn't pleased after hearing that. But he left the room and I was stuck there for three hours.

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