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~ Liam's Pov ~

"I am marrying her in 3 months..." I turned away for a moment, holding back the tears. I knew once I looked back at her I wont be able to hold it together. My father was a cruel man, he got an arranged marriage and fell in love with her. That was different because I wont ever love Ayla. I love Maddie too much.

"w.... Please tell me you are joking. No please Liam, just please say this is some kind of sick joke." I was hurting her, I never wanted to hurt her. I could tell she was crying. I just couldn't bring myself to look.

"I am sorry Maddie." She fell to the ground and cried even more. I don't care anymore I have to comfort her. I turn around to find her kneeling down, almost falling every second. She was hurt. I did that to her.

I got down and hugged her. " I never wanted it to happen, I swear I tried to stop it. He... he offered something but I would never put that on you, you may not be ready so I declined. Please tell me you believe me."

She shuffled around, but slowly brought her arms around me. " I believe you Liam. I will always believe you."

She got up and wiped the tears off her face. Her beautiful face. It was still beautiful after being so red and stained from crying. I felt horrible that I was the reason she cried. I never wanted to be the reason she cried.

She put the mirror back in her pocket and walked towards me. She lifted her arms and set them on my shoulders, placing her hands on the back of my neck. She stared into my eyes for a while until I grabbed onto her waist, I was brought close to her face until our lips touched. All my worry went away with that kiss. Her kiss.

~ Maddie's Pov ~

It has been a couple days since I found out about the engagement and that actually made us closer. Even though he is getting married to my Ex-bestfriend I don't care, I love him and he loves me. That is all that matters.

I mean he does love me right?

"Hey mads, what ya thinking bout? Huh must be serious if you are that deep into thought." My eyes snap to Mia as she sits beside me.

"Oh yea sorry guess I was. Nothing important though!" Liam walked in while me and Mia were talking, but he wasn't alone.

Of course she was here " Ugh what is that bitch doing here," the sound of her voice made me want to gag but I held it back, very far back. I thought Liam would defend me when she called me a bitch but no... he just stood there and said nothing. Pussy.

"Yeah and I could ask the same thing oli. Oh sorry I forgot you don't like me calling you that." The smug look on her face vanished, and was replaced with anger. Oh how I loved when she was angry.

Maybe now I will get a good physical fight out of it. Liam is just a dick and wont let me fight someone, even if he knows I will win. What am I delicate or something, I ain't pregnant.

"What the hell Maddie. What is your problem, why would you bring that up." Is she serious? Oh please tell me Liam leaves soon so I can beat her ass. " Oh I'm sorry did that hurt your feelings, Hmm?"

I was gonna enjoy messing with her " Please you deserve the pain after what you did. The only good thing I got out of it was him and look at that. Taking him away too. Huh classic old Ayla." That smirk, that fucking smirk. She knows what she did to me and how much it affected me, that night I couldn't stop crying. I was crying as hard as I was after I left her house before I even left her room it was coming down.

"Liam please leave." He didn't move an inch. Fucker, he knew I was gonna fight her. Why did I have to ask to fight so many times. " I said to fucking leave Liam! Don't test me here." At this point I was yelling, I couldn't hold it in anymore. I wanted her dead. And I wanted her dead now.

Liam hesitated but eventually left the room. Now it was my time to make her beg and cry, this time she will be on her knees in pain. Huh and this time I will be the person in control. I walked up to her and slapped her as hard as I possibly could. My hand stung a bit from the impact but I kept going.

Trying to hold back my laughter was almost impossible. I mean when she screamed it was hilarious, she has an ugly ass scream. Damn remind me not to lock her up anytime soon, but then again it wouldn't be a bad idea.

She laid there for a while after I beat her. I was at that for almost 30 minutes. Angry much. She winced every time she breathed, I may have broken something but she deserved it. This was not a time to laugh but seeing her laying there was just amazing. She said she could never be hurt, it all came back and I ran into the kitchen.

I shut the door and burst into laughter, tears were literally forming from how hard I was laughing. Liam cleared his throat to get my attention. Tryna scare the shit out of me now are you. "Jesus when did you get there," he walked towards me and grabbed my hand.

It was all cut up and bruised from how much I punched her, he brought me over to the counter and lifted me up so I was able to sit. He grabbed some bandage from the drawer and wrapped my hand.

"Why did you have to beat her up Maddie," is that even a question. Was it? Yes, Yes it was. She caused so much pain and did some unforgivable shit. "Liam you know what she did to me, wouldn't you do the same. Oh and wtf was that. When she called me a bitch why did you just stand by her and act like she did nothing wrong."

I could hardly get a word out, my tears started coming down. I have questioned so many times if he actually meant it when he said he loved me, I guess I was wrong to think he would love me. That anyone would love me. "Tell me Liam. Please."

He turned away for a second before answering me. "Because Maddie I don't love you, I love her. I lied when I said I loved you okay. None of this was supposed to happen, you were just some girl that ended up getting kidnapped."

I tried to find something to tell me this was a joke, but there was nothing. He actually didn't love me. " I only said I loved you cause I thought it would be fun to play with you, it was the perfect opportunity. That day when you said you loved me, was the day I met up with Ayla. Oh and it isn't an arranged marriage, I proposed to her."

I didn't care anymore I let the tears fall, he didn't love me. I knew it since the beginning, it never felt right around him. I was to naive to realize all of the signs, all the red flags. I was to distracted by my love for him to see it.

"Maddie... I want you to pack your things and leave, you can't stay here anymore. I will have someone pick you up and drop you off at a hotel or something. But you just can't stay here. Not after... not after what you did with my future wife."

And with that he took one last look at me and left.

> Sorry if you liked her and Liam together, but there is better plans for her. Definitely a better man to. I haven't figured out anything about what this new man will look like or will be named but it will come to me. Hope you enjoyed.

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