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I wake up once again but this time to a arm wrapped around my waist holding me tight. That scared the shit outta me almost making me scream, thankfully I didn't though since Liam was sleeping beside me.

I checked the time an hour ago and it was around 10:30 am. All morning I have been watching this beautiful man sleep, which I now find creepy. Who knew I could be this creepy.

I watched his chest rise with every breath he took, and it lower when he released. It was almost calming to the sight of him sleeping, he was peaceful for once. His eyes slowly opened. Not to far along his beautiful eyes opening was a grin, that stupid grin.

A smile painted my face as I thought of our night together. I wonder if I am still able to walk. or has he did what I asked. His hand moves up and down my back until it stops, slowly making his way down until he has a good firm grip on my ass. I can feel the moan trying not to break free and satisfy him but all I want to do is satisfy him, that and pleasure him of course.

He gave me a kiss that lingered for a little while before getting dressed. Today was his first ever truce with another gang so he had to look nice and presentable or whatever. He never makes sense in the mornings, I can only ever get little bits of information when he talks which is annoying.

I head out to make breakfast seeing as I am starving from everything that has happened. I need to stress eat everything or else the stress ain't worth it.

Mia finds me in the kitchen completely raiding the fridge and pantry. She acts like she doesn't eat when she stresses. Mmmm never mind she is almost perfect.

"Hungry are you?" a chuckle escaped her lips not to long after. Damn if I wasn't into her brother and dick then I would def date her.

"Uhm no actually it is just stress eating, I was only a bit hungry but I ended up eating everything." I sounded weird for some reason. Oh wait no nevermind I just feel weird.

"looks like someone had a fun night" she seems smart but right now I am rather dumb or it is just she makes no sense. Her eyes trail along my exposed neck, examining it like there is something on it.

I then realize my stupid ass made a mistake. Couldn't even put foundation on my neck or something. "Ohhh right yea so I guess it is obvious what happened but how many is there?"

I am not stupid to see the laugh she is holding back, but how many fucking hickeys are there for it to be funny. "I can't tell there is too many to count. Maybe like between 6 to 20, I don't know they are all close together."

Her concentrated ass couldn't get outta the way when Liam came by. Fuck she didn't even take her eyes off my neck when she got pushed outta the way.

"You deaf or something. Move your ass out of the way." someone is in a bad mood this morning. He probably got his period. 

I stifle a laugh when both of there faces turn to me. "what?" I should not of laughed seeing as he stressed but it was funny I can't help it. " what are you laughing at princess." his expression made it funnier.

"Heh uhm can you turn around first." He is confused and hesitates for a second before talking. "why would I need to turn around."

The joke replays in my mind over and over making it hard to speak without a laugh spits out. I go over to Mia and she almost dies laughing, and almost literally since she almost put her hands through a few knife's.

Liam is just pissed and he made the situation better. Mia on the other hand was making it 100 times worse like always. "Seriously what is so funny. what is it."

There she goes again, just can't hold it in. "Yea so I said how it was like you started your period and I got to say that it is fucking hilarious at the thought." A giggle escaped my lips and his face dropped. Only turning my giggle to a full out laugh, I laughed till my stomach was in pain from all of it.

"What the fuck Maddie. I clearly am it is not something to joke about." He replied with a touch of sarcasm reassuringly that it was fine. 

Now we were all laughing and the tension in the air was gone, especially whatever was going on with him and why he was in a mood earlier. I love his smile, his laugh, and his flirty personality. But what I loved the most was him. I loved him... 

                                                                              2 Days later

Liam has been really clingy the past day or two. I have no idea what made him like this, maybe I had said something to trigger this but I don't care. Him being with me all the time was amazing. We watched so many movies, got to know each other more, and I got to understand more about what I am feeling for him. That is the scary part. The fact of having actual feelings for him was scary, every time I thought about it I would distance myself for a bit. Nothing to bad for it to be noticeable  just casually going to the backyard, or bathroom. Sometimes I would say someone was calling me.

Liam gave back my phone a little while ago. I am happy he trusts me so much, he trusts that I won't call anyone and say where his place is. I would never do that to him though, heh I could never do that to him. I love him to much to even give it a thought. 

At first I would of given anything to just have a chance to escape, but now I would never want to leave. Although having my phone makes me less bored when he is gone. I would rather not have my phone then leave or get trapped.

"You hungry?" Liam called from behind, he worries to much but I like it most of the time. I get a lot of food and I ain't complaining. 

"Yesss when am I not hungry silly." You should never disagree to food. Ever. Especially when  he  cooks, his cooking is amazing. If I could marry the food he makes trust me I would. He makes the best Italian food there is.

He ran to the kitchen. Like I was gonna starve if he didn't cook now, he makes no sense sometimes. Although it's funny I can't help but wonder if he feels the same way

He loves me to right? 

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