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We talked for hours on and off. I was a little weary by 5 so he said I could stay and rest. I am happy he said that cause I honestly didn't know if I would be able to leave anyways.

When I woke up I was a little scared, totally forgetting I had went to Jackson's house last night. All I could remember was seeing him in the store but the rest was fuzzy.

Jackson walks into the room with a smirk on his face, reading my dazed yet confused look. I sat there for a second before it came to me... "Oh my god did we have sex!"

He had an amused smirk while I tried to process everything. No I couldn't have, I still feel my need of release. It is still there. So why am I here? "Calm down amor, remember you came home with me last night and you got tired so you went to sleep." I felt some relief replace the horror feeling I gained. "Wait I remember now, I came back with you so we could hangout. Heh thank god."

He walked over to me and sat down on the bed, placing his hand on my thigh. "Why, do you want to have sex," inching closer to my face "do you want me to give you your release you so desperately need." He whispered in my ear sending a shiver down my back, to my core.

Fuck... why now, it is to damn early for this shit. He was satisfied from the way he left me, confused, horny, and eager.

Jackson brought me back to the store so I could get my car. Of course I thanked him but I wanted to spend more time with him, his company was amazing. He was so interesting and I wanted to be around him more.

He kissed my cheek, which lingered a little to long for my liking. I backed away quickly and got in my car saying goodbye one last time.

The drive home felt like forever. I was dreading going cause that meant I had to get ready for work. Where he will most likely be. I was excited to see him, just not him see them. I don't know why I just think it is gross that he is watching them.

No I am going crazy I can't think that, we are not dating so I have no right. Plus I don't even know why I feel like this. I need help. Ari may be helpful in this situation.

I ran inside looking to see if she is still there. Who am I kidding I had her car, well kind of. I ran into her room calling her name. No answer.

Until I heard the shower turn off. "Maddie, oh my god are you okay. Where were you, you never came back and I was worried sick." I ran into the bathroom with her and hugged her quickly, she seemed worried from the expression on my face. "I was at Jacksons house, I saw him at the store and went to hangout with him but I fell asleep at his house. I just.... uhm have a problem."

her tensed muscles softened and gave me a confused look, "what is the problem. Did he do something to you?" She sat down on the ledge of the tub right beside me. "Uh well not exactly just, I don't even know him but he turns me on and he kissed my cheek and I liked it. Then I got upset cause he would be watching other strippers and I think there is something wrong with me."

I could tell she was holding back her laugh, but she wasn't good at hiding it ."So are you gonna help me!" The urgency in my face almost scared her making her jump and turn to me. "Listen it is okay to catch feelings, and be jealous. I think he likes you back. Even though you guys haven't known each other long I think you guys would really like each other." No she did not, I don't have feelings for him.

"What are you talking about I don't have feelings, plus I have known him for like a day."

3 days later

Today is the first day I actually start working, I have got a few routines down and perfected so Ari got me a time.

It was finally my time to go on as I hear my name called. The bitches from the first day were in the way, blocking the exit. "What the fuck do you want, I need to go on stage I was called." The two girls scoffed but the third just looked at me dead in the eyes. "we just wanted to wish you luck and to give you a heads up." She walked up to me and slapped me straight across the face, leaving a big red mark resting on my right cheek. "Stay away from my Jackson, he doesn't like you and never will. Don't ever go near him again."

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