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We make it to the front of the house and out to his car, a firm grip on my arm making me lose my balance. I turn back to see Liam with a unsatisfied look on his face, that and anger. Which is not a surprise. 

I hear the safety of a gun go off and my eyes widen, why tf does someone have a gun. I look up to see who has the gun. Liam, no. Ayla, no. So then who....

"Woah man calm down I was just tryna get my girl, we were in the middle of something and she was tryna go with you. Now put the gun down, Yeah?" Liam lifts me by my arm and practically holds on with the grip of hulk. I wince as he tightens his hand on me.

Mason I think his name is chuckles and loads the gun, a warning I assume. I don't think he would actually shoot Liam. I mean come on how could- *Bang*

Holy. Shit. I look away from Liam as blood splatters all over me. His grip on me loosens as a blood curtailing scream comes from behind me. Along with a thud coming from a distance. I rip my arm away and run towards Mason.

I look back to see blood spilling out of Liam's leg, and Ayla laying on the ground. I think she fainted. Hah. Didn't have enough in you to see blood. Pussy.

We both sprint to the car as soon as Liam starts to get up. I get in and so does Mason, quickly starting the car and leaving as soon as possible. Not looking back we make it to town in about 10 minutes. With the help of him speeding of course.

We go down a couple roads. I recognize them but it doesn't hit me until we are on his street. "Wait Mason fuck we can't go see Jackson I am covered in blood, and it isn't even mine. Oh and I need to change and shower too... Wait no. Dickhead."

He laughs as he pulls into the driveway. So much for listening to me. 

I didn't realize how big Jacksons house was before, well it was pretty dark out when I was here last. I never even seen it leaving. I was inside the fucking house and didn't realize. I think I need glasses. 

I step out hesitantly before meeting Mason at the door. Jackson is there, shirtless. Fuck you Mason. As if feeling my glare he turns his head with a wide grin on is face.

We hold eye contact for a solid 30 seconds of me glaring at him and him smirking at me. Fucker. Jackson clears his throat making us face him. As soon as I face him his smile falls and worry and concern takes over.

He runs over to me, grabbing me and pulling me inside. "Ugh Mason I told you I should have gone home first, now he is worried over nothing."

"Nothing! That is not nothing Maddie, you are bleeding for fuck sakes."

I laugh and pull him in a hug, "don't worry it isn't mine."

He hugs me back and we stay like that for a little while before Mason walks in being loud asf. "Hey bitches so just a warning Taya is kinda mad  at me." He looks between the to of us and gives me the 'it was totally a good idea' kind of look.

"Who is Taya?" I wouldn't say I was jealous for say, but I wasn't exactly thrilled.

"Taya is my dog," he looks at me with a soft expression. All worry gone. "Wait a minute if it isn't your blood, then whose is it?" I look in the direction of Mason to see him smiling his damn head off.

"Uh, so you know that ex of mine."


"Well it was his."

He looks at me with a extremely  confused look but I couldn't exactly say that his best friend shot my ex in the leg after kidnapping me from the hospital and wanting to have sex with me so that he can get pregnant.

I pull away and look at Mason, "wait why were you there. How do you know Liam, he isn't someone you should be messing with. And after what you did I don't think he will be so nice to you." He turns away and leaves the room, weird. 

"Maddie what did he do," he turns me to look at him. Worry visible again.

Do I tell him? What would he think about his best friend shooting a guy and then running away, shit. I sit down in the chair behind me and so does he, I look at him and all worry goes away. If they were best friends he would understand. "So...




It was like 9 at night now and all we have been doing  is cuddle and watch movies. Along with the occasional make out. Now it is time for me to leave and the big suck wont let go of me, he has the strength of hulk I swear to god. Literally, I am praying he doesn't crush me with his massive arms.

Anyways after telling about all of what happened he told me about him. I am still kind of freaked out but I know he wouldn't wanna hurt me, well other than squishing me to death like right now.

So Jackson works in the Mafia, well not work since he is the boss. A Mob boss. Makes him even cooler, wow that kind of sounds messed up. Mason also works for Jackson, explains why he just a random fucking gun. I thought he was like a psycho or some shit. It would explain every other thing about him but we will get there. "Stop being difficult, just stay the night. You can call her and say you are fine." And after that has brought me to now, laying in bed with just Jacksons shirt on and him cuddling up to me. Jeez for being a Mafia boss I would expect to be less cuddly, but no, he is very clingy. 

"Okay name 5 people from the show, not the main characters though. That would be cheating since there is so many." He chuckles and looks up at me, I love his eyes. They are so different and mysterious. "Seriously, I bet you can't even do that." I stifle a laugh at his snarky comment, " please that is so easy. Nick Marsh, Henry Burton, Mary Portman, Cece Colvin, and Andrew Langston." He stares in shock only making this moment better. His expression is priceless. He opens and close's his mouth like a damn fish, "cat got your tongue." He shakes his head and turns back to the tv.

"Okay that is unfair how do you know their last names as well. You haven't even finished Greys Anatomy, and you forgot Danny Duquette." Flipping us so I am on top and straddling him I catch him off guard and grind against him. I have been wanting to do that for so long since he has been teasing me non stop. A groan escapes past his lips as his head tips back, I continue to grind on him till the part he is as hard as he can get. It was pretty difficult to not moan or just make a sound, but I did it.

I stop moving my hips and get off of him, well only for him to grab me and pull me back on, "having fun teasing me Amor. Hmm?" He starts to kiss down my neck stopping at my sweet spot before rolling my hips against his groin. Just like how I was doing before except he is controlling it. He brings his head up from the crook of my neck and smashes his lips against mine, moving at a slow antagonizing pace. Fuck his lips are soft. A whimper spills out and Jackson takes the chance and plunges his tongue into my mouth.

Things start to get heated and our pace picks up, he is about to take off my shirt before someone barges in through the door. We break apart and look up to see who it is. Of course the fucker comes right now. Not an hour ago or like any time before now. "Wow am I interrupting something.... wait this is expected and ya'll been doing this all evening. Well didn't look that heated but-" "Can you just tell us what the fuck you want!" A growl like sound comes from Jackson, the fuck. Is he like a fucking dog or something. 

"Shit right okay so something happened, it involves Liam."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2021 ⏰

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