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                                                                                      The sister


As I watched her hips sway her way over here all the things that I never thought was gonna happen came back. I had been worrying about if she would like me not even realizing she began talking.

"Hi, the name is Mia. I have heard many interesting things about you."she laughed after the last verse of her sentence, she seemed normal but the thought he had been talking about me stuck. 

If he had been talking about me, what was it about? Was what he saying good or bad? All the bad things he could be saying about me had me worried, I think his sister caught on while I had been deep in my thoughts since she began talking again.

"You know he seems really interested in you, I have never seen my older brother be more fascinated to any other women, except for you."

except for me? I laughed in my head, I knew she was trying to calm me down with that seeing as her voice had turned very reassuring.

 Me and her talked for a little while, waiting for Liam to come back. Liam had been off doing god knows what, sometimes I didn't even want to ask. Lets just say that sometimes Liam can get a little odd when it comes with free time, the last time he had went out with his friends he got several tickets of multiple things, a few lawsuits, and sued by a bunch of companies. You see why I don't ask anymore.

Me and Mia had been talking about a whole bunch, she was the first girl I have talked to since being kidnapped and it was very nice. We had mostly talked about boys or Liam, I talked about Liam while she ranted she couldn't get any.

"really I am surprised seeing as you have a body like that, and an amazing personality. I haven't gotten any in months maybe even a year."I had blurted that out the second Liam walked in. I could feel my face get hot knowing it had probably been  glowing red. 

He gave me a smirk, one practically telling me he heard what I said.


Mia only laughed as she got up to go see her brother, I thought of joining her but I am just too embarrassed of what just happened I don't want to. She called my name a couple times before I was completely aware of what was going on.

"get your ass up, Liam wants to see you."she giggled out before walking away. Oh god I thought while pulling myself up in dread of having to see the super sexy smirk on his face. For how much I loved his smirk, I just wasn't excited this time. 

I knew what was coming as I entered the kitchen, a wide grin was painted on his face as he slowly made his way over to me."So what's this about not getting any?'he questioned, I chuckled at the thought of him asking me that.

 This man could do anything to me and I wouldn't care, that may be the hornyness  feeling that has been growing stronger every day or just the tall steamy man in front of me. Yes I think of him as steamy and it had been a weird way to describe him but it had felt right.

"You know exactly what I meant."my voice almost sounding seductive, I have no clue where the courage came from but it was there somewhere. He looked surprised that I had flirted back this time, Even though I was deeply attracted to this man I could never bring myself to flirt black. 

Liam flirted with me whenever he had the chance to. Sometimes it felt like he had the same feelings back, that wasn't the problem though. The problem had been that after I said that he seemed shocked but brought his head closer to mine every second that went by. Little by little, slowly shifting his head as he leaned in and kissed me. Oh how I missed being kissed! Except this is the best kiss I have ever had, it was so intense yet passionate. It was like our lips were meant for each other and once put together they would never let go, that's how I wanted it to be. But soon enough the most amazing kiss of my life ended.

"I will see you later beautiful."

My heart pounding as his husky voice echoed through my ear. I think I went into shock or something because I was fucked up, I couldn't even move. 

All day I just kept replaying the kiss. I wanted it to happen again, I wanted it so badly. The taste of his lips made me addicted, his cologne stuffing my face but making the kiss 100 times better. His touch made me shiver. His lips, so pink and Lucius, yet so mysterious and rough.

 I need to get this off my mind. I have to get out of this damn house, I can't spend another minute in this boring ass house. His house.

I had escaped without any of his men seeing me, thankfully. Getting back in would be a lot harder though, at the moment I didn't even care. I sat outside on the balcony for what I think was an hour. Soon enough though, he had found me.

"What the hell were you thinking Maddie!"He had raised his voice to the point you could tell how angry he was.

 The only thing I could keep my mind straight on was his lips, I wanted to kiss his lips. No I need to kiss his lips. I didn't care he was mad, I ran up to him and smashed my lips against his. At first he was a bit stiff but then relaxed and kissed me back. It was immaculate, I couldn't stop. His touch, hands on my lower back as his lips grazed mine before pulling away. I knew he wasn't mad anymore, he understood why I needed out of the house.

 He knew I have wanted his touch since day 1 but acted only now. He also knew that I was done with being in that house for almost a month straight without leaving. What did he expect though, I was kidnapped and caught feelings for my kidnapper.

"I'm sorry"I managed to stutter out as I ran back inside.

 Mia saw me run into a room while my eyes seemed a bit red and teary. She would've followed me if I hadn't locked the door after me. I heard her walk away after a while of trying to get me to talk.

 Her leaving was a ticket for me to take, I burst into tears as I replay what I had just did. The look on his face wasn't pleased after I kissed him, I knew I messed up when I saw him. Saw him disappointed in what I did, just like how my mother looked the night I got kidnapped by Liams men.

 I missed my parents, even if my mother was a complete bitch 24/7. She was still my mom. dad wasn't in most of my life but he had been coming back to it more recently. My dad was the better parent, and I missed him a whole lot. That made me cry way more.

20 Minutes later I end up hearing Mia come back, the clank of her heels as she walked made it pretty obvious.

"Maddie you still in there?"Her voice seeming tense made me nervous to answer, especially since I didn't know if my voice would crack or not.

"uhm, yeah."I managed to stutter out again, it was the only way my voice hasn't cracked. Chimes of her keys became louder as she had got them out of her purse. She must have had a key, as seconds later she enters the room to see my red, puffy eyes. My lips still a bit swollen from the kiss, making me look like an even bigger fool.

"There is someone here to talk to you, I will let you take a minute to look decent enough to present yourself. Oh and let your eyes rest for a minute so they aren't so puffy and red."

she walked out of the room as she headed for the main entrance. From the way she was headed I knew she wasn't talking about Liam. But who was she talking about...?

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