Excalibur Pt 5

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Im Back!! Sorry guys I know its been a while, I'll try my best to update more chps, now on with the story....

Merlin and I were freaking out, well mostly Merlin. Arthur is going to fight the Black knight, Merlin and I had to devise a plan to make sure he doesn't die. I tried to not worry as much because I knew Uther was going to eventually take the place of Arthur but that could change. Even though I know what's going to happen sometimes, there's always a few surprises. 

" Abby, what are going to do? Arthur has to fight that thing in a few days." Merlin paced around our room. He has been thinking too hard, I felt bad. Merlin needs to take a break already, I wanted to lift this burden off his shoulders.

" Merlin!" I shouted, which got his attention because he finally stopped pacing. I grabbed his shoulders and pulled him down to sit on the bed.

" You need to chill out, we will figure this out." Merlin relaxed his shoulders a little.

He queried his eyebrow at me, " Chill out?" Sometimes I forget they don't use slang here, it just slips out a lot for me.

" It means relax," I explain, " Which is what you need to be doing right now." We both get so caught in saving Arthur, saving Camelot, protecting the people that we don't get to have fun. I really can't complain, I was the one who wanted to be here but I'm complaining for Merlin because he doesn't complain enough.

Merlin sighed, " I suppose you're right but Arthur's in danger we don't have time to relax." I sat down next to him and put a hand on his thigh. I saw him slightly take in a deep breath at my action.

I looked at him right in the eye and asked, " Do you trust me?"  He seemed a little taken aback at my question.

Merlin nodded his head aggressively, " Of course, more than anyone I know." My cheeks heated up and my heart started beating faster. I knew Merlin trusted me but I wanted to hear him say it out loud.

" Then don't worry," I stood up from the bed proudly, " I got this."

Merlin scrunched up his face in confusion," What do you mean you got this? Were suppose to this together Abs." As much as I love when Merlin and I are always together I wanted to do this on my own, so Merlin can relax and I can have my me moment.

" I know Merlin but, you need to take a break and I know what's going to happen in the future, remember?" I sassed a little.

He shook his head, " Doesn't matter, I wont let you do this alone" I swear the one time I actually want him to listen he doesn't...

I rolled my eyes, " I didn't want it to come to this but, Dormi." The spell made him fall back onto his bed, falling into a deep sleep.

I grabbed his arms and pulled him up a little more so he was in a comfortable position. I grabbed his blanket and tucked him in. He looked so adorable while sleeping, his face was more relaxed, his lips were parted as he lightly snored. Oh, how deeply in love I am with this man. I never found it hard to admit to myself that I was in love with Merlin, the only hard part was admitting it to him.

Well he is asleep now it's not like he could hear me say this, " I love you....," I moved aside his hair a bit admiring his features then kissing him on the cheek," More than everyone I know." I sigh in relief, even though he doesn't know it, I felt great it to say it aloud even if it was to a knocked out Merlin.

I left the room and headed on my way to Gwen's house. I'll need a good sword to help defeat the Black Knight, where any better to get one then getting it from a blacksmith's daughter.


" Abby. What are you doing here?" Gwen asked as she let me into her home.

To Change A Destiny( Merlin Fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora