The Beginning Of The End Pt 2

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After that little incident with the windows, Merlin and I quickly helped Morgana clean the broken shards on the ground. Morgana had lied to the Guards and Uther by telling them the windows broke by a strong gust of wind, they believed the ward without a second thought. Mordred was very powerful for a young boy,  it did scare me when he shattered the windows. Now I saw why Uther killed young children with magic. So, they didn't reach their full potential.

Even though Mordred did scare me in that situation, it brought me and Merlin closer, not in a friendly way, more of a romantic way. The way Merlin protected me from the broken glass shards felt more of 'I love you I don't want you to die' than a ' your my friend I don't want to lose you.' Since Arthur was around trying to find Mordred I didn't see him as often, which helped me get over him more. I hope he was taking that time to get over me too. If Arthur told me he liked another girl right now, it wouldn't hurt hurt me as much it did before. The problem was if me and Merlin end up together, what would Arthur think of it? I probably would keep it a secret until I knew he was completely over me.

Merlin and I were at our/Gauis's chambers just helping him out a little with his potions. We were trying not to be suspicious but Merlin made that hard. He just had that face that made him look suspicious.

" Do you know much about the Druids?" Merlin asks Gauis, raising even more suspicion.

" Very little. They're very secretive people. Especially now they're being hunted by Uther." he answered.

Gauis looked at both of us and raised an eyebrow,  " Merlin, Abby,  please tell me you haven't got yourself mixed up in this."

I cross my arms and scoff, " Why would you think were apart of this? And why would you think I'm apart of it and not just Merlin?" Gauis always assumes I'm apart of it, he's not wrong but I just want to know why. Merlin gave me an ' are you serious' look, I just shrugged my shoulders.

" Because wherever Merlin goes you go, whatever Merlin does you do. You guys are a pair." Gauis answers me, with a slight smirk on his face. I blush in embarrassment, I was too obvious with my feelings sometimes.

He rolls his eyes," Besides, you two may be hiding a big secret but you guys are terrible liars." Gauis was right, I was a bad liar. I would laugh or speak nervously when I was lying, unless I'm lying about my magic or where I came from. I was accustomed to lying about that.

"Well, we haven't done anything." Merlin shakes his head refusing to tell him the truth.

Gauis glares at us still not convinced that we were telling the truth. Gauis was an old man but his glare made him seem a little more intimidating

"We heard the boy calling out." Merlin admits," He was nowhere to be seen, but we could hear him... like he was inside our mind."

Gauis pondered a little on what Merlin said before saying," Yes, I've heard of this ability. The Druids look for children with such gifts to serve as apprentices. While they're searching for this boy, you two must be especially careful otherwise it'll be your guys's head on the chopping block."

Merlin shrugged it off, " I'm always careful. You know me."

Gauis looked at me, " Abby, make sure he's careful."

I laugh and Merlin pushed me playfully while pouting his lip out, acting like he was hurt.

" I will."


Uther was relentless, the guards were still looking for Mordred. On our way to Morgana's chambers Camelot's guards were all over the Lower town's. They were even looking through haystacks.

Merlin and I gently knock on Morgana's door before entering. Morgana sighed out of relief once she realized it was us.

" How is he?" I ask her. I could see a pair a legs behind Morgana's curtain.

" He's sleeping. He's very pale. I worry he may have lost a lot of blood." Morgana answers me nervously. I could tell she was extremely worried for the boy. I wonder if she can hear him too.

"Has he said anything at all?" Merlin questions.

She shook her head," Nothing. He won't even tell me his name."

Merlin scratched his head nervously, "You know, er, for a moment there earlier, I- I thought you were going to hand us over to the guards."

"I'm glad you have so much faith in me, Merlin" She crosses her arms," Besides Abby is my friend and of course so are you Merlin."

I smile softly at the ward, I'm glad she thinks of me as a friend.

"No, no, sorry. Erm, I meant, you're the King's ward. You're taking a huge risk helping the boy." Merlin stuttered a little, nervous that he had might offended Morgana. I chuckle silently at Merlin's helplessness.

"I wouldn't see an innocent child executed. What harm has he ever done anyone?" Morgana questions herself. I can see her contemplating her feelings over what she has been taught her whole life by Uther. I didn't know what to think, be happy that she thinks magic is not as harmful as people think or saddened because this is the start of where Morgana becomes full of hate.

" Uther believes he has magic, and that makes him guilty." I answer her sadly. Sometimes I wonder how Merlin and I haven't been caught doing magic, we weren't particularly responsible.

" Uther's wrong." She stated in authority, I saw Merlin widen his eyes at Morgana's words.

" You believe that?" Merlin questioned, seeming to get more excited. I would have been as excited as Merlin was because of Morgana's more acceptance towards magic but I knew what this was going to lead her.

" What if magic isn't something you choose? What if it chooses you?" Morgana starts to question, sitting on the edge of her bed as her forehead crinkled. Merlin and I exchanged looks of astonishment before staring back at the ward. She gets it, magic chooses you sometimes, not the other way around, this was something Uther didn't understand.

Morgana looked up at us and scrunched her eyebrows in confusion, " Why are you two looking at me like that?"

" Nothing." I say, looking down at my shoes finding them more interesting than usual. Merlin looked around the room, tapping his feet as the room filled with awkward silence, we tried to not look suspicious to Morgana. I felt if we did tell Morgana that we had magic, she would keep the secret but, she was the king's ward we couldn't put her at risk besides when Morgana turns evil I don't want her to think we will join her side because I know we won't.

" Why are you guys helping him?" She asks us.

I shrug my shoulders, "It was a spur of the moment decision." Morgana nodded her head seeming to understand.

" What do you think we should do with him? He can't stay here." Merlin said. We couldn't harbor Mordred here for long eventually Uther will find out.

Morgana paced back and forth thinking of what to do.

She stopped pacing and snapped her fingers like she had an idea in mind. " We have to find a way to get him back to his people."

" How?" I ask. I did remember Morgana doing something to help get Mordred back home in the show but, I don't remember how she did it and and if she got caught or not.

Morgana mysteriously grinned, " Leave that to me."

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