The Gates Of Avalon Pt 1

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Sophia  and Aulfric: 

Arthur and I haven't talked about the kissed we shared

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Arthur and I haven't talked about the kissed we shared. We went on like nothing happened, although it was eating away at me. I felt completely bad for not saying anything, he probably thought that I didn't enjoy it . Well I did enjoy it and I do have feelings for Arthur but the only reason I did pull away was because of Merlin. Merlin and I are not together, but I couldn't help to feel guilty. I really, really like Merlin but is the feeling mutual for him? The last thing I wanted to do was embarrass myself by telling him, I like him and him not feeling the same way. Everything right now is so complicated but to be honest I was enjoying it, it was basically what I wished for before I got here.

Right now Merlin and I, had to tag along with Arthur in the woods while he hunted animals for fun. I liked hunting back at home but I would actually collect the animals and my family and I would eat them, this was actually one memory I enjoyed with my family the rest was really nothing special. Arthur though would just leave the animals there instead of maybe giving them to poor villagers who actually needed the food.

Merlin and I seemed to have lost Arthur, so we ran through the forest until we eventually found him, but Merlin bumped into Arthur causing him to shoot an arrow from his crossbow. The arrow missed the deer and hit a tree instead, causing the deer to be alarmed so it ran away.

" What is it?" Merlin questions like nothing happened.

Arthur gives him a not pleased look, " You really are a total buffoon, aren't you, Merlin?!"

" I was just asking."

Arthur smacks him in the back of the head, " Who? Me or the deer?! We're supposed to be hunting. It requires speed, stealth and an agile mind."

" Then why are you hunting?" I insulted, muttering under my breath.

Arthur looks over to me and scrunches his eyebrows, " What?"

" I'm glad that deer got away, killing animals for fun isn't fun." I cross my arms.

Arthur just laughs," You wouldn't understand, it's a man thing."

I scoff, " For your information, I have hunted before but I actually ate the stuff I caught not just left it there rot."

" You've hunted before." Arthur said surprised. I nodded my head.

" I should've gave you the crossbow then cause Merlin over here doesn't know what's he's doing." Merlin shrugged off the comment because he probably knows Arthur was right. Merlin could barely even hold the cross bow.

" So you're able to get by on two out of three, then?" Merlin asks, but before Arthur answered I heard a woman screaming in the distance.

" What was that?!" I question.

"'Please! Don't!" This time I heard a man.

" Quiet you two!" Arthur shushed us even though we didn't need to be shushed.

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