The Mark Of Nimueh Pt 2

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Merlin and I were sent by Gauis to get water from the Lower Town well. Even though I told them it was the water Gauis wanted to make sure.

" Let's hope your right Abs," Merlin says filling up the bucket with water, before I responded I heard someone wailing and screaming. That's when I see Gwen running inside the castle crying.

" Gwen!" me and Merlin call out. Merlin grabbed the bucket and we both started running after her.

We followed her to Gauis chambers, "Gwen!" Gauis said surprised.

"Gaius." She breathes out exhausted.

"You have the sickness?" Gauis asked worryingly.

She shakes her head," My father! Please, Gaius, he's all I have."

"Gwen, I have no cure."

"I am begging you!" She cries out. Gwen is my friend to see her like this pained me.

"I wish there was something, anything, but so far the remedy is beyond what I can achieve." Gauis grabs her hand.

"I'm sorry, Gwen." She turns around a looks at me and Merlin before running out the room.

"There must be something we can do." I groaned almost on the brink of tears.

" My best. If your right Abby, then this can provide some answers " he says taking a vial of water and puts a flower in it.

"But that'll be too late for Gwen's father." Merlin said concerned. He pulled me into a side hug to comfort me.

" I'm fear you might be right." Gauis sighed. I wish I could help. I wish I could remember what was in that water.


It was nighttime and I was in bed but I couldn't find it in my heart to fall asleep. I tried but all I could think about was Gwen's tearful eyes, if only I could remember what was in that water! All I knew was it had something to do with Nimueah. My thoughts were interrupted when I heard some shuffling, so I got up from my bed just to see Merlin heading for the door.

" What are you doing?" I asked scoldingly.

He sighed, " Gwen's our friend, I can't just let her father die. I can't imagine how she would feel. How you would feel."

I smiled, Merlin was just such a caring person, " I mean't, I know your not going without me."

He gave me a cheeky smile as we head out the door not waking Gauis in the process.

We got outside but we hid from the guards.

"What about there?" a guard said pointing to a haystack.

"Certainly, sir." the other one said.

They poke around a haystack checking for anyone hiding, but they found no one. So they they approach our hiding spot.

"Onstyrian, onbregdan." I whisper. A door across the street creaks open. A guard nears and the door hits him in the face. I almost laughed but I realized I didn't want to get caught.

We enter Gwen's home quietly, Gwen was sleeping next to her father peacefully, with her her head buried into her father's arm. It was a sweet scene. Besides Merlin, Gwen was the sweetest person that I ever met. That's why it was going to hurt me a lot when Uther convicts her of using sorcery. But I knew deep down Me and Merlin will get her out, I could forgive myself for letting this happen, I did not want her father to die.

Merlin get's a poultice out of his pocket and puts it under Tom's pillow, He whispers "þu fornimst adl fram guman." The poultice starts to glow but then stops and Gwen's father takes a deep breath.

Me and Merlin leave and watch from outside. Tom wakes up and touches Gwen's head

"Father?" Gwen wakes up astonished at her father awakening.

"Gwen." Her father said relieved.

"What's happened? I can't believe it!" Gwen  embraces her father.

I look over to Merlin and he looks at me we smile at the scene and I stroke his arm telling him we did the right thing.


More and more people were dying and I felt like it was my fault, it was my destiny to help correct the mistakes that are going to happen. I felt like I was failing everyone just because I can't remember what was in the water!

Merlin, Gauis and I were in the council chambers Gauis was showing them the cause of the sickness.

Arthur tries to reach for the vial but Gauis stops him, "Don't touch it. I had this in the water for no more than a few hours."

"Where's the water from?" Uther asks.

"The pump from where the people take their daily supply."

" We have to stop the people from using it." Arthur says.

"The city cannot survive without water." Gauis interjects. I guess I have to be ready to have dry throat for a while.

"We have to find this sorcerer!" Uther yells.

"I don't believe that they're inside Camelot." Arthur said with not so much confidence in his voice, he knows his father is not going to like his statement.

Uther get's frustrated, "Then extend the search to the villages!"

"We've started, but I can't search the entire kingdom."

"And I can't stand by and watch our people dying." The King is a big hypocrite he kills many of his people for having magic or even any suspicion of sorcery but now he suddenly cares about his people.

Arthur just nods and leaves not even trying to reason with his father.

Author's note:

I know this chp is a little short, because I worked on it a little late but don't worry chp 10 will be out tomorrow.

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