The Beginning Of The End Pt 5

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 Merlin and I decided to try and get one of Arthur's keys to help Morgana smuggle out Mordred.

Something in the back of my mind was telling me not to do this. I didn't know why but I just had a feeling that, this wasn't going to go so well. If only, I knew everything that would happen in the show. But, I was only a human and I forget things. Though my forgetfulness could be someone's doom. So, I need to do better and remember, to protect my friends.

Merlin and I brought Arthur's dinner to his chambers, our plan was for Merlin to get his keys magically, while I distract Arthur. I didn't know how I was going to distract Arthur but I guess I can try and improvise, which surprisingly was something I was good at.

" How's your soup?" I ask Arthur, maybe a little too politely.

" Good," he answered looking at me weirdly, probably suspicious of my politefullness. " Is there any bread?" 

"Inbringe, cume mec." Merlin whispers the spell beside me. Arthur keys start floating in the air but it starts jangling as it got higher, which caught Arthur's attention.

Arthur whipped his head back and forth, looking for the source of the sound. But Merlin kept the keys above Arthur's head, keeping them out of sight.

Arthur looked at Merlin and I curiously, " What was that?

" What?" Merlin acted oblivious.

" There was a sound." Arthur continued to look back and forth.

" Was there." I also acted oblivious. Merlin continued to float the keys above Arthur's head as Arthur stood up, looking around. As Arthur kept moving, the keys kept jangling because Merlin kept moving the keys out of Arthur's sight.

" What is that? Cant you two hear it?!" Arthur questioned frustrated. I had to hold in my laughter, Arthur just looked so angry.

" I can't hear anything." I exclaim.

" Me either." Merlin added on, we exchanged looks, I could see he was trying to hold in his laughter as well.

" Are you two deaf? It's like a...jangling sound." Arthur started to walk towards us but I stopped him by pointing out, " There!" I pointed near Arthur's window. Arthur turned around, walking towards where I pointed at.

" What?" Arthur asked looking near his window.

" Oh,  I thought I saw something." I lied. Merlin quickly dropped the keys and it fell into Arthur's soup.

" Now, what was that?" Arthur continued to question.

" What was what?" Merlin shrugged his shoulders, acting innocent.

" A different sound, like a splash."

I grabbed the bread from the table, " Bread?" Arthur rolled his eyes at me before leaving, well he checked the room once more for the source of the noise before leaving once he realized he couldn't find it. I grabbed the keys from the bowl of soup, wiping it on a napkin and Merlin and I left quickly to Morgana's chambers.

" It's Merlin and Abby." Merlin announced once we got to Morgana's door.

Gwen answered the door, she had a worrisome look on her face. I felt bad for Gwen, she got caught up in this situation but I know she just worried about Morgana, Gwen and Morgana were very close. Merlin and I went in and I saw Morgana checking up on Mordred. She was wearing a blue servant dress and a hood, she was wearing Gwen's clothes as a disguise.

" We're going to get you out of Camelot. I won't let anything bad happen to you. I promise." Morgana told Mordred with determination in her voice. I see Mordred slightly nod his head, still refusing to speak verbally.

" Are you ready?" I ask Morgana. She looked up at me and nodded her head slightly. I could see the determination in her eyes. 

" Did you two get the keys? " Morgana asked with urgency.

" Yeah. Er, the door is behind the shield at the far end of the armoury." Merlin told her and handed her the key.

" I'll pack you some food and water for the journey. Be careful." Morgana slightly smiled at Gwen, telling her that she'll be careful. 

Merlin and I follow Gwen to her house, avoiding any suspicion from the guards. I didn't know how Morgana was going do this successfully, the guards were just everywhere. I just had a feeling in my gut that was telling me she was not going to make it. But I had to suppress that feeling, I needed to have faith in Morgana.

" Do you know if they'll make it?" Merlin asked me in a low whisper, making sure Gwen can't hear us.

I give Merlin a worried look, " To be honest, I don't really know. I don't remember Merlin. If she doesn't, it's going to be my fault."

Merlin grabs my hand and lightly squeezes it, " Abby, it won't be your fault. Not everyone has that luxury of knowing the future. So, we need to just wait and see, like how everyone else does."

I let out and breath and nodded my head, Merlin always knew how to make me feel better. Gwen started to prepare some travel supplies once we entered her home.

" I hope they're ok. Morgana really cares about the boy. I've never seen her this way with anyone." Gwen said, finishing the supply bag.

" I'm sure she just wants to protect him." Merlin assured. I didn't believe that though, she's willing to die for Mordred so she really must feel deeply connected with him.

" Mmmm" Gwen hummed, not really believing Merlin's words.

As the warning bells sound Morgana and Mordred immediately entered Gwen's home. They were both panting, the guards must of saw them.

" There's enough food for three days." Gwen hands the travel bag to Morgana.

" Your horse is fed and watered. Merlin and I will take you to it." I told Morgana but she shook her head.

" No. There's no point in all of us risking our lives."

" What about you?" Merlin questioned her in a worried tone.

" I'm the King's ward. I'll take my chances." Morgana said, I could see she was not going to let us come with her.

" Morgana!" Gwen exclaimed, not wanting the Ward to go alone.

 Morgana sighed, " I couldn't live with myself if anything happened to either of you guys. We must go." Morgana left not letting us protest against her wishes. 

Before leaving, Mordred looked straight at Merlin and I, " Goodbye, Emrys and Willow." I could hear his voice in my head once again before he left. 

Goodbye, Mordred.

Omgggg!! Thank You guys for 2k reads. I'm trying to write 1-3 chps a week, i'm just busy with school and all. Thank you guys again, keep voting, commenting and reading. I love to hear your guy's feedback.

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