The Dragon's call Pt 3

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Merlin and I had an encounter with Lady Helen earlier. We found her spell book and some kind of Voodoo doll. We were almost caught by her but we just told her that we were dropping off her medicine. I already knew why Lady Helen had those strange things in her chambers, she was Mary Collins. She's disguised as Lady Helen . I didn't tell Merlin that because of what Gaius said but I know he would be fine later on.

Me and Merlin were in the Lower town when Arthur and his stupid knights came by.

"How's your knee-walking coming along?" Arthur jokes. Merlin tugs my arm to show to keep walking.

"Aw, don't run away!" Arthur eggs Merlin on.

Merlin turns around and so do I.

"From you?" Merlin scoffs.

"Thank God. I thought you were deaf as well as dumb." Arthur insulted as he his little knight buddies laughed.

"Look, I've told you you're an ass....." Merlin insulted back,
"I just didn't realize you were a royal one." This time I could keep my laughter down, Arthur looks at me with his eyebrow raised, I just shrug my shoulders.

"Oh, what are you going to do? Get your daddy's men to protect you?" Merlin sasses Arthur.

" I could take you apart with one blow." Arthur replied.

"I could take you apart with less than that."

' Merlin.." I grumbled at him pushing his shoulder back, wanting him to not get in trouble.

" You should listen to her Merlin, because you don't want to get hurt" Arthur snarks.

Merlin ignores me " I'll take my chances."

" Come on then, Fight " One of the Knights encourages.

One of Arthur's knights tosses a mace and Arthur tosses one to Merlin. Merlin picks it off the ground and starts swinging. I stand off to the side not wanting to get in the middle of this.

"Come on, then. I warn you, I've been trained to kill since birth" Arthur says swinging his mace.

"Wow, and how long have you been training to be a prat?" Merlin insulted.

Arthur snorts, "You can't address me like that."

"I'm sorry. H-How long have you been training to be a prat, My Lord?" Merlin gives him a little bow, I chuckle.

Arthur starts swinging at Merlin but Merlin dodges. Arthur backs Merlin into the market stalls as I follow behind them and a crowd continues to gather. I see Gauis across the market, he looks at the situation disappointed .

"Ha-ha. You're in trouble now" Arthur gloats.

Merlin looks around and I see his eyes flash Gold for a quick second, a couple of large hooks tangle into Arthur's mace. Arthur untangles it and attacks again. But then Merlin uses magic again to move a box and it ended up hitting Arthur in the shin.

" OW! Argh!" Arthur groans in pain. Arthur pursues Merlin again but Merlin uses magic to trip Arthur with a rope, then Merlin starts swinging his mace at Arthur.

"Do you want to give up?" Merlin asks as he kept swinging his mace, while Arthur was on the ground.

"To you?" Arthur asked sarcastically.

"Do you? Do you want to give up?"

Arthur backs up, catching his foot in a bucket and falling over backwards. Merlin started celebrating a little but then he looked over and saw Gauis and he paused. The moment of hesitation caused Arthur to attack Merlin from behind with a broom, knocking him to the ground. I see the guards were picking Merlin up trying to drag him away but I stepped in.

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