The Gates Of Avalon Pt 4

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It seemed like Morgana hated Sophia as much as I do. Even though she hasn't told me, I already knew why she didn't like Sophia. It was her dream, she saw Sophia trying to kill Arthur. She's starting to discover her powers and honestly it was scaring me. Not for myself, but I was scared for her. The terrible path she was going to go down, I don't want that to happen to her but I don't know if I can change that.

Merlin and I were heading to Arthur's chambers to do our servant duties for the day. Yesterday, I heard Camelot's patrol accidentally shot an arrow at Sophia almost shooting her. I would've loved to see that in action. When they did come back I caught her kiss Arthur on the cheek. My blood boiled in anger when I saw them. I needed to stop being jealous. What was I going to do when he fell in love in Gwen? That's even if he falls in love with Gwen, what if that changes. It probably will since the reason why I'm here is to make sure Arthur doesn't die at the last episode, if I succeed then Arthur doesn't really need a queen. I should get over Arthur, I really do like him but I truly wanted to be with Merlin. I eventually have to tell Merlin soon about my feelings for him and I hope he feels the same.

I look over at Merlin, he was his usual happy self, smiling away. I couldn't help but smile myself. His smile was so infectious, he was just so adorable. His strong cheekbones and beautiful eyes made my heart melt, and on top of that he had the best personality. Merlin was basically the perfect man.

Merlin caught me staring at him," What? Is there something on my face?" Merlin started touching his face trying to wipe off something when there was nothing there.

I chuckle," No. I was just admiring your good looks." This was my attempt to flirt but I couldn't believe I just said that.

He blushed," Uh..." He scratched his head nervously," Thank you, I didn't know you thought I was good looking."

" Merlin who wouldn't think your good looking. They would have to be blind to not notice."

Merlin smiled and straighten up his shoulders, " Well since were on the topic I think your very beautiful."

This time I was blushing, " Oh stop It." I slightly wave my hand brushing off his comment, " No you don't you just said that cause I said you were handsome."

" Abby stop..." he ordered. His tone of voice turned very serious so I listened and stopped walking. He grabbed both of my hands and stared deeply into my eyes, " I'm not lying I think your the most beautiful girl in the world. Your curly hair, your hazel eyes, your personality, everything about you is beautiful."

I didn't know he felt this way about me, Merlin thinks I'm beautiful. I smiled so brightly that my cheeks started to hurt. Maybe Merlin does feel the same as me.

I was going to do it, I was going to tell him my feelings for him, " Merlin I-"

" Merlin! Abby!" I heard Arthur yell out interrupting me. I sigh.

It would be him to ruin my chances. We were very close to Arthur chambers so he probably heard us talking right outside the door.

Merlin let go of my hands and rolled his eyes, "Prince prat awaits." He opens the door letting me go first.

Arthur saw us come in and said," Finally, took you two long enough." I ignored his comment because I was shocked on what I was seeing. He was dressed. He never got dressed unless Merlin or I picked out his clothes. Merlin must of noticed the same thing because he seemed as perplexed as I was.

" Your dressed!" Merlin and I say in unison.

" Nothing gets past you two, doesn't it?" Arthur questioned cheerfully. The thing is why wasn't he wearing his knight uniform, he supposed to be with his father so he can watch him bestow a man with knighthood this morning.

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