Valiant Pt 3

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" You're saying that you have to fight that?" I ask Arthur, as me and Merlin were putting his armor on. Arthur's next opponent was huge and extremely strong.

" Yes, and he's strong as a bear. But he's slow " Arthur replies.

" Ah, and you're fast" Merlin said.

" Exactly. Don't worry Abby I'll be fine." Arthur smirked at me. I wasn't really worried at all I was just asking, the only thing i'm worried about was Valiant.

I quirked an eyebrow and scoffed, " I'm not worried at all." He just rolled his eyes as we finished with his armor.

Me and Merlin see Valiant put down his shield as Gauis approaches us.

" How're you two getting on?"

" Fine" we both say. Arthur fights the bear knight and wins and Valiant wins his next match. That means Valiant was going to fight Arthur in the Final.

" Valiant's going to fight Arthur in the final. He'll use the shield to kill him." I exclaim. We all looked at each other worryingly.


Merlin and I sneakily pass the council chambers to get to Valiant guest chambers. We overheard Uther and Valiant speaking.

"So, Valiant, do you think you stand a chance of defeating my son?" Uther questions him.

"He is a great warrior, My Lord. I do hope to be a worthy opponent" Valiants voice sounded sinister.

"You should stay in Camelot after the tournament. I could do with more knights like you." Yeah I bet you won't let him stay in Camelot after he kills your son.

"I'd be honoured, My Lord." Valiant replies.

Merlin and I get to Valiant's chambers but the door was locked, so Merlin whispers a spell and the door opens. I close the door as we go in.

" Abby, grab that sword " Merlin tells me as a hand him a sword off the rack. Merlin approaches the shield as I stood close behind him. We heard hissing noises as one of the snakes came out of the shield. We backed up a little trying to make no noise so we don't get caught. I would be lying if I said the snake didn't freak me out a little, it was huge, it looked horrifying. The snake tries to strike but Merlin cuts it's head off once it jumped up. I sigh in relief and Merlin picks up the snake head in disgust. The others snakes start coming out, so we ran out of the room and locked the door.

" Come on we need to get this to Gauis." Merlin tells me as we run to get to Gauis chambers.

We get to Gauis chambers and give Gauis the snake head, he extracts the venom out of it.

"I'll get started preparing the antidote. What you two did was very brave." Gauis said in admiration.

" It was Merlin he's the one who chopped off the head." I say not wanting to take credit for Merlin's work.

" We need to tell Arthur " Merlin said

" If we do he would want to tell the King, the King won't believe us " I tell Merlin.

" Well we need to warn him at least."

I huffed then agreed.

" Here you'll need this," Gauis hands Merlin the snake head.


"You? You chopped its head off?" Arthur says out of disbelief as Merlin put the snake head on the dining table.

"Ewan was bitten by a snake from the shield when he was fighting Valiant. You can talk to Gaius, you can see the puncture wounds in Ewan's neck where the snake bit him. Ewan was beating him, he had to cheat." Merlin tells him.

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