The Moment of Truth Pt 1

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Hey guys guess who's back, its been a while but I have some motivation let's hope I'm not too rusty. 

It's been quiet in Camelot, Merlin and I been able to relax a bit. Besides having to do Arthur's chores and our own everything just felt peaceful, even Arthur hasn't yelled at us for quite a while. With more free time I've been practicing my magic every night and I feel myself growing more powerful like I can destroy a whole kingdom with my bare hands. Unlike Merlin and I, Arthur has been busy with his princely duties so we barley see him unless it's just to work, but I have a feeling that's going to change soon. I know I'm the one who's suppose to be changing his destiny but I don't even remember what's the next task Merlin and I have to face, I think Killagrah chose the worst person for this job I have to wait till it actually happens for me to remember. Am I really going to be able to save Arthur in the end?  I question myself every night before I sleep, I might not know but for now I just need to have faith. Since Arthur has been so busy I was able to suppress the feelings I might have for him and the feelings for Merlin just grew stronger. I can never admit them because if we become more than close friends it will be hard to hide that from Arthur, I don't want any hatred between the two, I don't want to affect the friendship and trust between the three of us. Even if Merlin hasn't told me I can tell he feels the same way as I. Until Arthur falls in love with someone else Merlin and I are just gonna have to suck it up and keep it in. The longer I'm here the less I wanna go back to my old home, nobody will miss me, everyone that truly loves me in here in the World of Merlin but I conflict on it still. I do miss the technology back home and the food and even my bed. So there's still something in the back of my brain telling me I should go back, I could live without everything that there is back home but do I truly want to leave it all behind.

Gaius sends Merlin and I out early in the morning to get some water at the well, I'm still not use to getting up this early  but I cant even sleep in because the roosters wake me up and I cant go back to sleep, I miss when I could sleep through the alarm I set up on my phone. There was woman at the well, her head was covered so I couldn't recognize who she was until she turned around.

" Mother?" I hear Merlin say in a shy tone of voice besides me. It was Hunith, Merlin's mother, I wonder what she was doing here.

" Merlin!" Hunith shouted and dropped her bucket of water and ran up to hug him. Merlin embraced her tightly. He caress his finger on her face and I see a few bruises on her cheek.

Merlin squinted his eyes and he seemed angry, " What happened? Who did this to you?"


Merlin and I had taken his mother to Gaius so she can get treated properly and she explained to us what's happening back at Ealdor, how there's barley any food and bandits come and steal and attack the village. I felt sympathetic towards her, I can never imagine how much her and the people there have been through. After hearing this Merlin had rushed to get a audience with the king, since the king listened to Gaius that wasn't very hard to get.

"The winters are harsh in Ealdor, and there are many children. Some of them just won't be strong enough to survive. We barely have enough food as it is, and if Kanen takes our harvest, our children won't live to see another summer. Please, we need your help." Hunith had said as she stood in front of the king and the court. I saw a small amount of sympathy in the kings eyes even when he looked stone cold in the face.

Uther was sitting down on his throne chair but it still seemed he was looking down at her, "Ealdor's in Cenred's kingdom. Your safety is his responsibility" Uther only cared about his kingdom and his people which I don't blame him but his kingdom is the strongest and wealthiest at the moment he can spare a little bit for a small town.

" We've appealed to our King, but he cares little for the outlying regions. You're our only hope." Hunith pleaded.

The king sighed, " I have the deepest sympathy for you and would have this barbarian wiped off the face of the earth."

" You'll help us?" Hunith questioned with a small amount of hope in her voice.

Uther shook his head, " I wish I could." Hunith started sobbing into Merlin's arms which broke my heart.

" Surley we can spare a few men?" Arthur spoke up as he looked at Merlin and his mother with deep sympathy. 

" Resources are not the problem," Uther said angrily since his son spoke out of turn. I was really happy Arthur wanted to help, shows that he truly cares for people.

" Then what?" Arthur questions.

 "Ealdor lies beyond the Ridge of Ascetir. For an army of Camelot to enter it would be an act of war" Uther explains.

Hunith gets down on her knees and starts pleading out of desperation, " I know you're a good king, a caring man. I'm begging you, help us, please."

Around the room you can see everyone looked deeply sadden for Merlin's mom even Uther, and  Morgana looked like she was going to cry. The king stood up out of his chair and with a serious tone he says, "The accord we've struck with Cenred was years in the making. I cannot risk hundreds of lives for the sake of one village. I'm afraid Camelot cannot help."

Hunith put her head down to ground and sobs, I felt so much pity for her. I knew Merlin was going to do whatever it takes to help her, and I will be there right beside him.


Merlin and I were with Arthur on the balcony, Arthur was looking over Camelot admiring the view of the kingdom he will one day call his own.

" I'm sorry. If it were up to me, we'd be on our way there now." Arthur says looking at both us. You can tell he was being genuine, no matter what Arthur would do anything for the people even people outside Camelot.

I put my hand on Arthur's shoulder, " You tried. We thank you for trying to help Merlin's mother." Arthur gave me a small smile, I could see in his eyes that it mean tsomething to him

" Yeah, my mother really appreciates you trying," Merlin spoke up. He was quiet today which was understandable, he has a close relationship with his mother and would do anything for her. I know it pains him to see her in pain.

Arthur sighs, " I wish that Camelot was able to help people regardless of how far away they lived."

" I'm going back to Ealdor," Merlin says sternly but then puts a hand on my shoulder and gives me a small smile " Well we are both going to Ealdor." Merlin knew I was going with him there was no way I was going to let him do this on his own. Were partners in crime for life.

Arthur kept a emotionless expression, I knew he was sad for us to leave but didn't want to show it, " Of course."

Merlin pats Arthurs back, " Its been honor serving you." I knew we were eventually going to come back but it still made me depressed at the thought if we didn't.

Arthur shook his head in disbelief, " You guys will be coming back."

I look at Merlin and then to Arthur and sighed, " You would've have done anything for your mother Arthur so Merlin has to look after her and I will help along with him so who knows if were ever coming back." I sounded too dramatic it was a little fun messing with the prince.

Arthur then shows more emotion towards us, his eyes almost seeming a little watery. He puts his hand on Merlin's shoulder and grabs my hand with his other, " Your right, well you guys have been terrible. Worst servants ever." We all chuckle, but then Arthur looks at us seriously and squeezes my hand and Merlin's shoulder.

" Abby. Merlin. Good luck." It didn't feel like the type of good luck you say to someone if there going to take a test or something, but this was him telling us to survive. It sent chills down my spine. 

I squeezed Arthur's hand back, " We will, I promise."

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⏰ Última atualização: Feb 11, 2023 ⏰

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To Change A Destiny( Merlin Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora