Part 12

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Shortly after the door shut a continuous clicking sound was all my ears heard for several hours along with the intense UV lights that strained my eyes in the dark. My mind was scattered and it was all due to one word 'escort'.

'Escort arrested on prostitution charge.','Escort killed by suspected, mafia','Escort kidnapped and sold as prostitute in Mexico.'

As I continue to read, the rate of my heart increased. 'On a daily basis, escorts are verbally and physically abused.'
What was I going to do. It was now 5am. I was sleep deprived but I couldn't sleep. Before I knew it I was locking the door to my dream apartment, dragging my suitcase down the hall. The sun just started to peek through the windows. I quickly pasted the receptionist with full speed towards the main entrance. I rather be broke and poor than be dead in luxury.

"Ehemm." I froze. "Where are you going, Miss Renalds?"

"Out" I turned my head to see him standing with a dress in his hand.

"I was just about to bring this up to your room." My hand was still on the door as I saw him walk closer to me. "Maybe before you leave we could talk."

"Obviously, you have some questions for me." He said as he layed the dress on dinning table. We were now back in the room he told me was mine.
"I'm not forcing you to be here and if you have any questions you should just ask."

"Am I going to be putting myself in danger?"
He chuckled, "Only if you act dumb."

He must have seen my face, because he choked on his laugh. "Of course not. I pride myself in keeping all my workers safe, and I only have them work with people who would respect them."

"Why do they have so much to say about escorts on the news."

"If you didn't know, they have more to say about strippers." I never even thought about looking up news on strippers. Was I that dumb that i was running from risks I'm already taking.

"Over-thinker, my apologies." I sat down around the table and watched as he came to join me.

"Before we do get started I do need you to sign some papers." Its like he developed them from thin air. It was so normal for me to sign papers before started a new job that I didn't even read before I signed. I flipped the page over and as I wrote my last signature, I saw it. 'Pornography'

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