The Toxic Winds of the past

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It was August and Stella's first school dance; Bella was in Stella's room styling her hair. Hailey glared, she was envious of Bella, especially now that her attention had been taken as everyone was surprised that she was still alive.  In her sibling's eyes, Bella was a goddess. She even caught August calling her "Aphrodite" two times a day. 

This infuriated Hailey, she was jealous of Bella's beauty, but she was able to see where August's nickname came from as Aphrodite was the goddess of love and beauty, which summed Bella up as a person perfectly. Hailey scoffed at his remark "So who am I, Artemis?" She answered in a disrespectful tone.

Bella sniggered "someone sounds jealous," She said chuckling as Dean strolled in and draped his arm over his twin's shoulder "I'd say Persephone or Nyx..." Stella, August, and Bella sniggered softly as Eve growled "excuse me?" She said irritated, but then she stopped "I guess Billy was like Hades..." She said unintentionally out loud.

Bella glanced at Hailey, she looked stunned "I'm sorry... You dated Billy Rodriguez?" She asked astonished, all eyes fell onto Bella and Hailey like a petty fight was going to start "Wait, you know Billy?" She asked scared of the answer, she heard about Bella's reputation and how it has been dragged in the mud ever since she was 15, to be perfectly honest she wouldn't be shocked if Billy cheated on her, it seemed like a thing he did.

"Who doesn't know Billy Rodriguez..." Dean replied as Bella stopped him from speaking, Bella smirked, "you seriously don't know what he did...?" She asked, Hailey, shook her head. "He was caught with drugs in his possession, embezzling objects, shoplifting and dad stopped him due to public intoxication..." Bella stated slowly so Eve could take it all in, Hailey's eyes were wide in terror and astonishment "He was a criminal..." She muttered; Bella nodded "yes... he was..." She said as she walked out.

Hailey ran after Bella, she drew a deep breath, and embraced her "Hi..." Bella said uneasily, she wasn't that fond of hugs, Hailey pulled back "There's something else isn't there?" She inquired as Bella nodded, she pulled Hailey into her bedroom before closing the door "It is rumoured that he was involved in Emily's murder..." She spoke in a whisper, Hailey's eyes filled with tears, and she ran out as Bella sat there numb.

Stella smiled, she walked in with a beautiful red flowery summer dress on "how do I look?" She asked uncomfortably like she had interrupted something, Bella's face looked up and grinned "you look, Beautiful Stell." She spoke as Cordell walked in "Why is Hazie crying...?" He inquired; His look fell on Stella as he grinned "You look beautiful..." He says softly.

Stella grinned "can we take the mustang?" She asked, Bella, laughed already knowing what the answer will be "Nope." She heard her father say, she burst out into laughter as Stella sighed "It was worth a try..." she replied as Trevor's car pulled up, Isabella was standing next to her father, she smiled "She looks gorgeous, doesn't she?" She asked, Cordell, smirked, "Yes she does, Almost as beautiful as you Aphrodite..." He says teasing as he held her hand.

Stella and Trevor drove away to the school dance, August was already there with Stella's best friend Bel, Cordell sighed as he embraced Bella, he rested his chin on her head "You look so much like your mother." He said as he secretly put on one of Emily's necklaces around her neck "Your mother would've wanted you to have it, he would've been so proud of your for getting over your addiction." He said quietly.

Hailey was spying, she breathed a sigh that was until she noticed a 5-year-old brunette blue-eyed girl sprinting down the road "Athena..." She spoke softly before running down and out, she pulled the young girl into her arms "baby girl? are you alright?" She asked as Athena was frightened, she wasn't speaking at all.

Bella stared ahead "... Tornado ahead..." She spoke as she stole her father's ranger hat, she laughed as he looked at her "they're at the dance..." He spoke as he was getting a message from Micki mentioning a game night, He smiled "you, wanna come with me to meet Micki" He asked as Bella nodded "Of course papa..." She said softly as she looked at Hailey and Athena "get her inside." Bella said to Hailey as she nodded and took her daughter inside.

Cordell and Bella got into the police truck; Bella sat in a shotgun as she hummed. Cordell laughed "I missed you..." She heard him say, she smiled " I missed you too." She said, her Texan accent kind of returning.

They arrived at Micki's house, before leaving nearly automatically for the school, Bella smiled at Micki as they sat in the truck, they were deep in conversation, that was until a tree fell on the window of the truck, Bella shrieked as glass flew everywhere. "Shit!" She screamed frightened as she threw herself out of the way of the glass shards that were flying through the air.

They all succeeded in getting out unharmed, Micki held Bella close as Cordell joined in the hug, they were walking to the school to check on everyone, she was smiling as Trevor strode over "Hi Miss Isabella." He said graciously as Bella smiled back "nice to meet you, Trevor." she said as she strolled away.

Cordell made her stay behind as he went with Micki to retrieve Bel's grandfather, Bella started to breathe heavily, and she grinned as August and Stella stayed by her side, and Dean and Sam were with Hailey and Athena playing inside.

It was a couple of hours after, when Bella received the phone call around 10:00 pm, A call about her father that made her fearful... A phone call claiming that a tree branch fell on Cordell and that he was unconscious when discovered and he was immediately taken to the hospital...

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