Chapter 7

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"Your... what?!" my mom screeched.

"Quiet..." said Luke reassuringly for my mom but with a questioning undertone directed at Jace and myself.

"I-I-I'm pregnant," I mumbled just loud enough for Luke and my mom to here.

"By the Angel, Clary, what were you thinking?!" my mom squealed, "Your only sixteen! How do you think you'll raise a child when your still a child yourself! And you Jace! I thought Maryse taught you better."

At that I started started crying. I don't know how we would raise a child without my mom. I know we still have Maryse, but it's still not the same. Jace started rubbing my back and when he saw how much I was crying he lead me out of the restaurant.

"I can't..." I started to mumble to Jace.

"It's okay, Clary. You don't have to go back in there. I'll call a cab. We can go back to the Institute," Jace reassured me.

"That sounds good," I said through tears. Jace pulled me in close and I could feel the warmth of his body and his muscles move as he called the cab. Neither my mom or Luke came out after us. I guess they assumed we were just getting some fresh air, but neither of them bothered to check on me. They're probably mad. Actually I know that they're furious and there's nothing I can do.


Once we got back to the Institute, Jace picked me up and carried me to his room. There, I laid down on his bed with my head on his lap. I quickly fell asleep: the stress of the day simply fading away.

I woke up early the next morning to pain in my stomach. I ran to the bathroom and threw up all over the floor. I can't wake up Jace though, he never gets to sleep in, but I can't use the cleaning products, since that will just make me nauseas again. Oh well, Jace can sleep later, so I screamed, "Jace, come here!"

Jace immediately responded, "What is it, Clare Bear?"

"Come here," I said through sobs. I couldn't bear letting him see what I did to his bathroom, and now I expected him to clean it up. I could here his light footsteps growing closer and then he was right behind me rubbing my back.

"Aw, Clary, it's okay. There's no need to cry. I'll clean it up. Just go back to bed I'll be in there in a minute."

"Thank you," I said sincerely and added, "I love you so much."

"I love you, too," Jace responded, "Now go back to bed."

I went back in his bedroom and opened the drawer of his dresser that was devoted to me and grabbed out one of Jace's old shirts that was too small for him to wear, but still smelled distinctly like him. Afterwards, I crawled back into bed in just my panties and his old T-shirt. He joined me after a few minutes and then I fell right back to sleep.










Authors Note:
Sorry if this chapter is short and in some parts kind of boring. If you have anything you think should be different or ideas of where to go next feel free to comment. Also, I'm going to try to update weekly. Thank you for reading!

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