Chapter 5

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It's been two months since I found out I was pregnant, yet still haven't told my mom yet she'll be mad at Jace and blame him even though it's my fault as well. Art first it was really easy to hide my pregnancy but it's gotten harder now that I have a visible baby bump. I'll have to tell her soon though our she'll get suspicious,since I can't wear any of the tight tops that I normally would. Even pajamas are hard since I normally wear a tank top to sleep in. Jace and I decided that we would tell her the news today at dinner. We're going out to eat so hopefully she won't get too mad. But first we have to tell Alec, so I get dressed in my T-shirt and jeans that I am more accustomed to wearing than anything else.


I arrive at the Institute, to Izzy's warm greeting and Jace giving me a big, warm hug right after her.

"How's my baby cooking?" Jace questions.

"All good I guess. I've been doing what I'm supposed to do," I respond.

"Have you had any more morning sickness?"

"No, Jace I already told you I was good."

"Sorry I hate to think you could be ill because of me."

At that, Izzy opened the door to let us inside. Magnus was there on the coach sitting next to Alec. I wasn't expecting Magnus to come, but there he was sitting on the coach. I guess I'm telling Magnus today as well. Maybe he could make sure the baby is all right. Ahh, I'm going to actually have to tell them, but maybe we can get some food and drinks first.

Almost as if on cue Izzy brings out some food, that I really hope she didn't make. Jace must have read my mind when he whispered in my ear, "Don't worry she didn't actually make those she bought them at the grocery store. Simon showed her around there and I heard every grueling detail of it."

Oh, by the Angel, I didn't remember to tell Simon yet. I'm a terrible best friend! Even Magnus will know before him now! Maybe it's for the better though he would have been the one to "accidentally" tell my mom. Still he's been there for me since before I even knew Jace, so he deserves to know more than almost anyone I know.

I sneak away from the incredibly boring conversation Jace, Alec, and Magnus are having, to go talk to Izzy. Jace gave me a look as if to ask what I'm doing, where I'm going, and wether he should go too. I shake my head a little to tell him I'm fine and I don't need him to come.

Once inside the kitchen I see the vast array of kitchen utensils, pots, pans, and other such tools all designed for feeding large crowds of people. Izzy is standing by the fridge taking some pre-made food out of the grocery store container. At least she isn't cooking. Isabelle doesn't seem to notice me even though I'm sure she did with her shadow hunter senses.

"Hey, Clary, ya gonna help or just stare at the beautiful girl preparing your meal?"

My hunch was correct she did notice I was in the room, but chose to wait and see what my actions were first. I decide to just spit out the reason I came, "Iz, I don't know what to do I haven't told Simon yet. He's my best friend he deserves to know before Alec and Magnus. What should I do?!"

"Wait, wait, wait. I thought you were telling Simon a week ago."

"I was but he had to cancel, something with his band I think."

"Oh, well I'll call him. He'll just have to join us in this joyous occasion," Izzy responded and immediately started dialing in the numbers to call Simon on her pink flip phone. Izzy took a gruelingly long time to talk to Simon. She started with the cutesy stuff and that took the longest time for them to finish. Then she invited him over as part of the plan. Then it was right back into the cutesy stuff again it was at least twenty minutes Isabelle was on the phone, but Simon agreed to come over.

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