Chapter 10

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I woke up the next morning to pounding on my door. Well Jace's door but I've kind of taken over. I had no interest in getting up and leaving the warmth of the blanket and Jace's arms so I just yelled, "Who is it?"

"It's Alec. I need Jace."

I nudged Jace to tell him that it was okay to go and that I'd be fine by myself. He was a bit hesitant but I he could tell that whatever Alec wanted was urgent or at least Alec thought so.

I couldn't make out what Jace or Alec were saying, but Jace rushed back into the room and started putting on his gear.

"Jace what is it?"

"I'll tell you later. Pack some clothes we have to go," Jace said hurriedly. I could tell there was no arguing so I grabbed some of my gear, two big t-shirts, a pair of sweatpants, and a pair of jeans. I threw all of that into backpack. Then, Jace rushed me out of the room, into the elevator, and out of the Institute.

"Jace where are we going?"

"Far from here. Can you draw the portal rune?" Jace asked as he pulled my stele out of his pocket.

"Yeah give me a second," I answered as I started drawing the portal rune that I first used so long ago. When my father and brother were alive. When Jace was my brother. All of the memories came flooding back. All of the events to follow. All of the death and all the lives saved. Simon. He'll never remember all of the thing we did together. All of the amazing actions he took. I could feel the tears coming as I continued to draw the portal rune. I could feel Jace watching me and then his hand on my back to comfort me. I finished the rune right before I collapsed to my knees on the dewy grass. Jace immediately scooped me into his arms and I cried on his shoulder. I could feel the strange sensation of the portal as Jace stepped into it sending us to a some mysterious location.














Author's Note:
Sorry that this chapter is short I've had testing all this week and I've been busy with lacrosse, sickness, and schoolwork lately. I really hope you like this chapter and as always comment what you think! Thank you for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2015 ⏰

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