Chapter 8

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I woke up again, maybe an hour later. Jace was already up and watching me lay there. "Hey, sleepy head! I didn't want to wake you up," Jace looked down at me sweetly.

"Well, can you stop staring at me?!" I answered jokingly, then added, "C'mon, get up I have some training to do!"

"Clary, you can't go train! Not with the baby!"

"Jace, I have to go train I'm a shadowhunter. I kill demons for a living I have to train and I have to stay in shape baby or not!"

"I know your a shadowhunter, Clary, but you have to take a break! I don't want the baby or you to get hurt!"

"You don't get it at all do you!"

"Maybe I don't, but I do know that I don't want anything to happen to you or our baby! I also know that the baby in you can easily get hurt and if it does we can't just apply an iratze!"

"Jace, I'm not going to be fighting with others, just practicing in case something goes wrong."

"Nothing will go wrong and if something does I'll be right by your side to protect you!"

"I know you'll always be there, but you can't always protect me! I'm not a doll! I'm not going to just break!"

"Clary, you overreacting! Just don't go to training today!" Jace responded. Even though he was trying to do the best for me I couldn't take it anymore. I'm not fragile like he acts! I can deal with myself and protect myself! I grabbed my bra and favorite pair of jeans, then stomped out of the room. Jace didn't even try to stop me. He knows I'm mad and trying to stop me will just make it worse.

I went straight to Izzy's room and knocked on the door. With a surprised and annoyed face, Izzy answered the door after the second knock. Then, she gave me a look that told me to start talking or she was going to close the door on my face, so I started to talk, "Can I come in Iz? It's about me and Jace."

"Oh, come on in. I thought you were here to talk about baby names or something. In that case, I would have sent you back to Jace's room."

I walked in to Izzy's room, then plopped down on her bed. Izzy closed her door and gave me her look to tell me to say everything. I didn't know where to start so I just kind of told it all from the puking all over to storming out and ending up here on her bed.

"Wow, Clary, that's terrible! Have you guys had a fight before this?"

"No... not a serious one at least," I answered quietly.

"Oh, Clary, it's okay!" Izzy responded sympathetically and pulled me into a hug. I couldn't hold back tears any longer so I just let the tears out on her shoulder. Izzy started stroking my hair. I could have stayed like that forever but Izzy wasn't going to let us waste the day.


Izzy and I went shopping, that was Izzy's normal pastime after all. She ended up with three new dresses and a new pair of jeans and I ended up with a T-shirt by the time Jace called. I immediately answered my phone even though I wasn't really sure I wanted to talk to him.

"Clary..." Jace said through a sigh of relief.

"What?" I said sharply.

"I just thought you were... gone. I couldn't find you anywhere... you weren't training or in Izzy's room or any of the spare bedrooms..." Jace rambled.

"Okay, sorry I didn't consult with you before I made any decision," I responded sarcastically.

"Clary, I can tell you're mad and you get the right to be. Just let me make it up to you!"

"Okay what is it?"

"Just meet me in front of Taki's at 5 O'clock. Wear something nice!"

"Okay, bye Jace," I ended the call at that. I couldn't help smiling though. He searched all of the Institutes bedrooms for me.

"Izzy I'm going to need something nice to wear."







Author's Note:
I hope you like this chapter I mean it's really not the most interesting. Also, thank you all for 1k. I can't believe that so many people would read my fanfiction. I will continue to post on Fridays, but since I have a snow day today I figured that I might as well publish this chapter today. If you find something that you think I could change please comment! Again thank you for reading!

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