Chapter 6

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After showering with Jace, I dried my hair, but instead of wearing it up like I usually do, I wore my hair down as Jace likes. After that I put on my wine colored dress Izzy and I picked it out a few days ago. It bring out both the green of my eyes and the red in my hair, as well as bringing out my small curves and little baby bump.

"Finally I can finish getting ready," Jace joked as I left the bathroom.

"Oh, shut up!" I mock shouted at Jace and planted a kiss right on his lips.

"I love you," Jace whispered into my lips.

"I love you, too," I leaned in and kissed him again. "Okay, get ready we really have to go!"

Jace groaned and gave me a look of distaste, but he buttoned and tucked in his white dress shirt. Jace cleared his throat and I quickly looked away, but it was too late he had already seen me staring. When I looked back he had a smile on his face and said, "I know I have a beautiful body that you just can't get enough of, but your going to have to take a break from your staring and tie this tie. I mean unless you don't want to go..."

"I most definitely want to go, so come here I'm the one carrying the baby."

"Okay, but only if you stay here tonight."

"I think I can do that," I said leaning into Jace a little bit and then tying his tie. "Now we have to go or we'll really late," I said hurriedly as I slipped on my heels.

"Careful, Clary!"

"I'm fine," I said putting on my second shoe and standing up. I'm still much shorter than Jace but now I'm at least up to his shoulder.

"Okay," Jace responded unsure that I really was fine in my heels. At that we hurried down the hall to the elevator. I almost tripped a few times, still a little wobbly in my heels, but Jace would slow down and steady me every time. We didn't even end up needing to wait for the elevator and once downstairs, we saw that Izzy already had a cab waiting. So we quickly thanked her and headed over to the restaurant.

"Hey, are you okay?" Jace questioned. He must have noticed me biting my lip, but I can't help it. I always do that when I'm nervous.

"Yeah, I'll be fine I'm just worried that you won't be after my mom and Luke are done with you,"

"I can defend myself plenty well," Jace stated as the cab pulled up, "C'mon lets get this over with."

"I'm coming. I love you, Jace!" I said as I got out of the cab.

"I love you, too, Clary," Jace responded. Pulling me into a hug before we entered the restaurant. There everyone acted just as they normally do when we walked in: staring at Jace and giving me a look to question wether I'm forever. I don't mine though, Jace loves me and if I was one of them I would probably have been staring, too.

We were seated at a high table near the back of the restaurant with for chairs around it. After sitting at the table for about five or so minutes, my mom and Luke showed up. And we greeted them with the accustomed hi's and how are you doing's. Jace asked about their honeymoon and I told them a little about today leaving out the 'I'm pregnant' part. The conversation was strictly casual all throughout the entrée, but I had to speak up eventually so after dinner and before dessert seemed like the perfect time.

"Mom, Luke, I have something to tell," I stated clearly and confidently.

"Okay, what is it honey? I'll love you no matter what you say," responded my mom almost immediately.

"Well... um... well..." I grabbed Jace's hand and sputtered out the last crucial words, "We're pregnant."







Authors Note:
Sorry for not writing for so long I've been caught up in sports and schoolwork. I hope you like this chapter, even though it's probably not very good. Comment any suggestions or constructive criticism and I'll try to listen. Thank you for reading!

Riley Alexander

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