Chapter 2

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August 12, 2011 7:00 A.M.

That morning, I walked into the primary school section of Gillian Academy, making my way to the second grade hallway.

"Excuse me," I asked a young girl who was about a year older than me. "Do you know where Mrs. Putlin's  class is?"

She flipped her long blonde hair. "You have that teacher? Word says that she hates transgender girls," she said.

"I asked you to show me where the classroom is, not to just comment on my appearance like that!" I shouted, grabbing her by her skirt. "Who do you think you are?"

The girl scoffed. "Like I'll tell you. You're just a nobody," she said.

"Say that again and I'll beat your butt right into outer space!" I shouted.

"Ha! I wanna see you try messing with someone who is the diva of the whole primary unit!" she said. "You hdve some nerve dressing like a boy and still identifying as a girl."

I grabbed her skirt and yanked it higher. The whole school could see her white, flowery panties. Then, I threw her across the hall and into the lockers.

"You'll pay for this, you dirty little nobody!" she shouted.

"Oh, will I now?" I said. "Says the girl who just flashed the whole school!"

She blushed, looking down at her legs. The girl instantly closed them. "It's Jada," she said. "You've embarrassed me once, but mark my words. Someday I'll get my revenge!"

I laughed. "In your dreams," I said.

8:15 A.M.

"That was sick!"

I turned around to see a boy with dark brown eyes and black hair.

"What do you want?" I said, moving my fists like I was ready to fight.

"Geez! Chill, dude!" he said. "I don't wanna fight!"

"Do you wanna make fun of me too? If so, I will beat you to a pulp,"

"You're really something, aren't you?" he said. "What's your name?"

"Riley," I said. "Why does it matter to you?"

He offered to take me to class then.

"Oh cool! A badass girl who doesn't take crap from anyone! And holy crap, I can't believe we have the same teacher!" he said. "By the way, my name is Aaron."

"Aaron," I said. "I didn't know you thought that of me."

"I do, but not in that sort of way," Aaron said.

"What do you mean? Primary school is the dawning of crushing," I said. I almost gagged when I said the word "crush".

"You OK, Riley?" Aaron asked.

"Yeah, dude," he said. "Just the thought of those girly romantic stuff makes me wanna vomit."

"Haha, me too! So, you like action, I'm guessing?"

"How'd you know?" I said.

"Well, my parents always told me that I have a knack for that sorta thing. It's bizarre. I'm fine if you make fun of me for it."

"I'm made fun of for being a tomboy, so don't worry about it," I said, smiling at him.

That was the start of my friendship with Aaron.

September 1, 2011 10:30 A.M.

A month had passed and I was getting used to being a primary school student. What was different from regular primary schools is that they were getting you ready for middle school in the sense that you had different teachers for each subject. Of course, Mrs. Putlin was my homeroom.

The Struggles of Being a TomboyWhere stories live. Discover now