Chapter 10

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November 22, 2020  10:15 P.M. Prom Night

"It's been a tough choice, but it's time to announce the Prom King and Queen," Headmaster Richards said.

Ava crossed her fingers while Xander still held the cigarette in his mouth by the closing of his lips. He also crossed his fingers.

"Drumroll please," said the Headmaster.

So we all did, awaiting this year's announcement. I had a feeling it would be Aaron and Jace, or even Mia and Jada. I didn't think it would be Chase and Samantha, though, since the two literally just started dating tonight. So I crossed my fingers too, hoping for the best for my friends.

Headmaster Richards tapped on the microphone, testing it, as be held a piece of paper with all the votes on it. He held it up, preparing to read off of it. I knew that this was going to be the worst hell of Ava's life. I could see her biting her newly painted nails and twirling her braided hair. I could tell she was nervous. Then a feeling came over me--- a feeling of concern - - - although Ava wasn't particularly the nicest to me or anyone else for that matter. But even if she needed the help of a true friend by her side, she'd still dismiss me as if I wasn't important enough for her so-called popular life. So I forgot about wanting to help Ava and continued to listen attentively just in case someone's name was called.

"And the winners are..." Headmaster Richards gave us  a dramatic pause. "Mia Westerfield and Jada Vaughn!"

Ava made a scene. "What!? How could that happen? Xander and I have a prepared all year for this! You can't just give my rights away to those... those... dykes!" she cried. "This is outrageous!" She pulled Xander by the arm. "Come on, babe. We're outta here."

"Fucking dykes," Ava swore under her breath.

I went over to Ava. "Better luck next time," I said.

Ava pushed me away. "Get out of my sight, transgender freak! It's all your fault that my ex-friends ditched me and won what I've worked my whole goddamn life on! Someone like you who always gets whatever the hell you want without having to lift a fucking finger wouldn't know the hardships of working towards something just to get it crushed and thrown in the trash!"

"I know I don't, but that's no reason to be mad at me for it," I said. "I understand your pain and frustration that you didn't win, and I totally get it. It's like when playing a video game and you die too many times to fucking count, but what do you do? You pick that controller up and try again until you beat it. That's what you need to do."

"How do you suppose I do that? I'm too self-centred for that crap," Ava said.

I put out my hand. "I can help you. Let's fix this together."

Ava lowered her head in what I thought was shame. But then she picked it back up and her face was an angry mess. Her fists were clenched and she was breathing heavily, while also trembling like a volcano about to erupt. She slapped my hand down.
"You really are naive," she said. "Thinking I'd stoop so low as to come to what you call reality. But I'll think about it. I sure will."

I ran after her, grabbing her by the back of her shirt. "Ava, I'm sorry! But it doesn't have to be this way!"

Ava brushed my hand off. "Fuck off," she said. "I'm sorry, but I don't need your help."

I reached out my hand, but she was gone.

"Good try, Riley," Mia said. "But sometimes it's hard for people to change if they've never once experienced a past that lead them up to this point."

"But there has to be some sort of way! She's just angry about something! I know she is!" I protested. "And I won't stop until I figure out what's wrong."

"Well, good luck with that," Jada said. "I know from experience that Ava is one who is hardest to reason with."

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