Chapter 8

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October 31, 2015

Once you reach high school, you're too old for Halloween. Have you ever thought it ridiculous how schools always hold spirit week around Halloween and on that day, you're kinda forced to throw on a costume and go? That's how I felt. While the remaining popular girls were dressed up as succubi, my friends and I dressed up as something completely different and unsexualised.

"Nice costume, Riley," Aaron said.

"Thanks," I said. "Where's Jace?"

Aaron blushed. "Over with Bryce," he replied. "I sorta wish he was here with me, though."

"Yeah, dude. I totally get it," I said.

"I heard that you got your own girlfriend," Aaron said. "And she's in my computer animation class."

"I didn't know you take animation," I said.

"I decided to try it this year. You should totally try it next year, man! It's the shit!"

"I'll think about it," I said. I stopped in my train of thought. "A girlfriend? Is that what you think Bri is to me?"

"I don't know. I just heard it go around the school," Aaron said. "But I know you better than that. She's just your friend."

"Yeah. And a wicked Twitch streamer too!" I said. "Brianna never told me she liked animation, but I'm all for it. It's pretty cool how they do it, so it's understandable that people enjoy it."

Aaron smiled. "Yeah," he said.

In the distance, I saw Jace dressed as a demon, running towards us with his homemade cosplay pitchfork. Did he make the costume too? I wondered. But I immediately forgot about it when he came back.

"What did Bryce say?" Chase asked. "Is he looking for someone to take to prom?"

"He said no," Jace said in reply.

"No? Why?" I asked.

"He said he doesn't have time for boys like he does with girls," Jace replied. "And I totally respect that. Too bad he's straight--- I mean, I can be too---but does that matter? He's so handsome, how could someone like him turn me down?"

"Popularity," I said.

My friends looked at me in shock.

"What? I've had my share of popular bitches ridiculing me and making me feel like shit," I said. "I've even helped two of them come to their senses."

"My sister and Jada," Aaron said to himself.

"Yeah," I said.

"You weren't really supposed to hear that," Aaron said. "I was talking to myself."

I nodded. "Sorry, man," I said.

"No worries," Aaron replied. "So, what's new with Mia and Jada?"

"I'm not sure. I don't follow ridiculous trends and gossip!" I said.

Aaron chuckled. "Not like that, Riley," he said. "What I mean is, how are they?"

"Good, I suppose. Why?"

"Mia told me yesterday that her and Jada are dating," Aaron said.

"Congrats, dude!" Chase and Jace exclaimed.

"We should get a drink tonight!" I exclaimed.

"Can't," Aaron said.

"Why not?" the rest of us asked.

"My parents are taking Mia and I trick-or-treating tonight," he replied.

"Come on, man. Are you seriously going to do some childish activity with your family?" I said. "I thought by high school, people are usually over the idea of Halloween."

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