Chapter 3

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May 14, 2017 1:30 P.M.

I survived seventh grade. That was when the popular girl shit started--- I should've known the effects of puberty. It was now summer break and I was hanging out with my three best friends:  Aaron Westerfield, my childhood friend, Chase Williams, and his brother, Jace.

"So, I was thinking we could go to the amusement park," I said. "What do you think, Chase?"

Chase was shy and still is to this day. But around us, he felt comfortable and talked a little more than he would normally.

"Sounds fun," he replied, pushing up his glasses.

"I can't wait to hold hands with one of you guys!" Aaron blurted out.

We all stared at him. That was when I decided to pull him aside.

"What the hell was that for?" I said.

Aaron blushed. "Please don't kill me when I tell you this, but I think I'm gay."

"Yuck!" I said. "Love is disgusting and you know it! I know we're teenagers, but come on! Where's the Aaron I used to know who always threw up when thinking about romance?"

"Dude, you seriously need to grow up," Aaron said. "You're 13 now. It's time most people have crushes. I thought I could talk to you, but it seems I can't."

He got up and left.

"Aaron, I'm sorry!" I called.

"I trusted you, Riley. How could you not help me out with this?" he said. "We've been friends since the very beginning and you swore never to make fun of me. Why did you change?"

"I could ask your ass the same question," I said. "And I never meant for this to go the wrong way. Who's the lucky boy?"

"Thanks, dude," Aaron said. "I totally owe you an apology too, but I'll save it for now."

"So, who is it?" I asked.

Aaron sighed. "Have you noticed that whenever I'm around Chase, he's always with his older brother?"

"Yeah," I said. "And that matters, why?"

"Well, whenever I'm around Jace, my hands start to sweat and I can't think straight. I'm constantly blushing like a human tomato around him although none of you can see it. I think I have a crush on him, Riley, and I don't know how to deal with it," Aaron said. "What if he doesn't like me back?"

"He probably will. We're still in our early teens, it's alright if he doesn't get the memo yet," I said. "Plus, why are you asking me instead of your sister? Popular girls like Mia are romance experts,"

"I don't trust her," Aaron said. "It's like she doesn't take into account people's feelings."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"She's only in it for the fame and is obsessive over the praise others often give her," Aaron said. "She may be only a bit different than her friends,  since she embraces her natural beauty. But never mind that. She doesn't care if she brings people down that she feels are lesser than her."

"That bitch!" I cursed aloud.

"I agree, but even she is awkward to love," Aaron said. "She follows the latest gossip and  the boys are all over her, but I always see her dismiss them away like they're nothing."

"How does she act around her friends?" I asked.

"The same, unfortunately," Aaron replied. "But the main person she talks with is the leader of the popular girls."

My mind went blank as I remembered the time when I exposed Jada's panties to the whole school. Boys stared with their jaws dropped and drooling out, even at that age.

"Jada," I said.

Aaron laughed. "I don't think she would still forgive you for what happened back then. That was pretty embarrassing for her!"

I laughed it off too. "Oh God! Her face was priceless!"

"Heh, yeah it was!" Aaron said. "So, what amusement park are all of you planning to go to for the whole summer break?"

"Hell if I know," Chase said. "Say, what were you guys laughing about back there?"

"Nothing in particular," I said. "Would you mind your own business, Chase?"

"Sorry," Chase said.

"Right back atcha, dude," I said. "I say we go to Universal Studios."

"But why not Disney?" Aaron asked.

"You don't want people to call you a pansy," I said.

"Since when did you start caring about what those dumbasses think?"

"I don't," I said.

"You confuse me, you know that?" Aaron said.

"Not my problem," I said, grabbing him by the arm. "All four of us. My house. Now."

"Can I sit next to Jade?" Aaron blurted out by accident.

"Sure, man," Jace said.

Aaron couldn't contain himself. He felt a massive blush coming on, although he put his head down to try and hide it. It was his chance to ask Jace  out. That is, if Jace ever noticed him.

At that moment, I felt bad for Aaron. What if Jace never noticed him? But I put that aside. I had to think positive.

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