Alessandra's Journal

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Journal Entry Three
Princess Alessandra Twenella Rowebern of Pentoya

My birthday this year was soft and sweet like frosting. It wasn't something I am used to. My birthdays in Pentoya were lavish events. My mother would spare no expense planning the parties. I thought those birthdays made me happy but I'm beginning to realize that the parties were more for her soul than for me.

My mother would never want to hear what I think about how she has treated me as her child. She would rather perish than be confronted with the truth of her actions. To my mother, my life is worth more in my death than it ever was while my heart beated and that is something that will haunt me till my last breath. She would throw millions of parties for me if it meant that Cadea would carry her soul to Lerangaire. If my life held weight in the matter, she would be sent straight to Morternara.

However, it isn't like my father is any better. I am beginning to realize that when I am confronted with the wrongs he taught me, I notice just how wicked he really is. So, he may be jealous of the elves for their longer lives, luck in fertility, and ease with magic but he has no right to slaughter them because of this. My words may not hold much weight but I will spend my whole life trying to rid my mind of the poison he planted there for no one can do it but me.


Princess Alessandra Twenella Rowebern of Pentoya

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