Chapter 10: The End?

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Sorry it's been so long guys!!!!! Anyways, Paul and I hope you enjoy the chapter!

Jade's POV

I charged at him with all the power I had left in me but he was quick. He slashed at my leg and I fell to the ground. Then I felt another sharp pain in my arm as he slashed the other end into my arm and pulled it out. I ycried out in pain.

"Look at Miss Hardass! She's crying like a little baby! Where is your big toughness now, Jade? Did you loose it when my tomahawk went through your pale flesh?"

The pain was excruciating. But I wasn't going down without a fight. "I don't know who the hell you are... but fuck you, asshole!" I've growled. "You'll pay for killing my friends! I will make you pay, even if I must come back from the grave to do it! I will make you pay you, piece of shift!"

"Oh, yes, of course, I'm the piece of shit, I'm the bad guy! What about you, Jade? And all your bloody friends? The way you treated me made me into a cutter! It made me so depressed and ashamed of myself that I didn't even want to go to school some days! You. Tori. Beck. Andre. You all ruined me! You all deserve to die, bitch!"

"You asshole Robbie! We loved you we just made jokes with you!" I yelled.

"Shut up!" Robbie bellowed. "You're lair! You're a fucking lair! That's all you are! A liar! You never gave a shit about me!"

"Or about me." I turned my head towards the voice to see Tori with a gun against the back of her head. And the person holding holding the gun... was my best friend since I was five- Cat Valentine.

"Surprise, surprise, Jadey!" she said. Her tone was sickeningly sweet and she had an evil grin on her face.

"Cat, what the hell?!"

"Oh, shut up! Did you really think Robbie was the mastermind behind all this?"

"Cat, please!" Tori pleaded, tears streaming doesn her face. "You don't have to do this!"

"Would you shut the hell up, already?!" Cat exclaimed, sounding annoyed. "God! I've had enough of you goody-two-shoes attitude!"

"Cat, why- Why would you do this?" I asked, my voice hoarse from yelling. "What did we ever do to you?"

'"Are you kidding me, Jade?!" Cat scoffed. "You all think I am a stupid little girl who doesn't know anything! Who acts like a child! Who's so fragile! Well, guess what?! I'm not as weak as you think I am!." Tonight every last one of you will pay for what you did to Robbie and I- ecspicaslly Robbie! He has been through hell! And your the ones who made that hell for him! Like the time Beck sprayed Robbie with a hose and embarrassed him in front of all those girls or when Trina pushed Robbie's face into that chowder! And you, Tori!" Cat looked down at Tori and the Latina whimpered. "How many times have you and Jade said he was not a guy? That is why this is happening! To get revenge on you all- revenge that you so richly deserve. She looks at Robbie and said happily. "Take it away, darling. Kill that bitch! Make her pay for what she has done to you!"

Robbie skilled evily and said, "Sure thing!" I saw him raise the tomahawk and I closed my eyes, waiting for the deadly blow. I thought of Beck and smiled.

'lll se soon, my dearest Beck... I love you.

Then I hear a gunshot, followed by two more gunshots. I heard Tori scream. I'm too scared to open my eyes. But then I hear his voice. Beck.

"Jade! Are you okay?"

I open my eyes to see Robbie's dead body on the ground beside me and Cat laying on her back a few feet away, her blood making a puddle on the floor around her.

"Don't worry, Jade, we are going to be alright. It's all over now! Everything's going to be okay..."

I saw Tori running over. She kneels beside me and looks at me. She whimperes and embraces me tightly, crying into my shoulder. he We sit like that, holding each other and criying. The sound of sirens grew louder and a few minutes later the police kicked down the door and stormed into the room.

3 Weeks Later...

Tori's POV

There is no happy ending and there probably never will be. When the police came in, they attended to Jade and I first. When they went back into the school, Cat's body was gone. They searched the entire school, but found nothing. Now, we live in constant fear. I am scared. I don't know where Cat is. I don't know if she's going to be on the next corner ready to kill me. No one knows anything. Neither, have they found anything. And that is what scares me the most.

No One's POV

Tori sat on her bed, listening to music on her PearPod. Lightning flashed outside. In the flash, if one was looking, they'd have seen the dark figure in a red hoodie standing outside Tori's bedroom window, an evil smile appear on her face. Even through the storm, a whisper is heard- as clear as if it were being whispered into your ear:

"I've come for you Tori."

The End?

I have some exciting news, guys! @PaulJwrite is working on a Victornous zombie apocolypse fanfic like never seen before!!!!! I'm excited and I hope you guys are, too!!!!! :{D

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