Chapter 3: Butchered Boyfriend

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Trina POV

"Where the hell is Shaun?!" I muttered, as I walked angrily down the hall. "I texted him, like, a hundred times and he still hasn't answered me! Bloody asshole!"

Suddenly, my phone beeps, interrupting me. I took it out of my purse. On the screen, it read 1 NEW MESSAGE. I clicked on it The message popped up. It was from Shaun!


"Well," I said. "At least he's not a total jerk. I'll seal our deal. And then we're going to the gym to dance. This night will be perfect!"

I walked to the Black Box Theatre and open the door. It's pitch black in there.

"Shaun," I called. "I'm here!"

I was met with silence.

"Shaun," I whined. "I don't want to play games! Let's get this over with! I want to back to the dance!"

Once again, no answer.

"Ok, you want to play games? Play on your own! I'm leaving!"

I turned to leave, but stop in my tracks when a light turned on behind me. A spotlight lit one part of the stage where a wooden box Sat. I walked over to it. My heart was pounding in my chest as I slowly opened the box. Inside, there wass a folded paper. With shaking hands, I picked it up and unfolded it.

"BEHIND YOU" the note read. My body trembling, I whipped around. I gasped in horror. I wanted to scream but I couldn't. No sound came out. I stood paralyzed. For there, in the middle of the stage, was Shaun, hanging from a cable that was tied around his neck. Blood was dripping from his face or, I should say, what was left of it. All that was left of his once handsome face was his nose, eyes, his teeth, and bones. His jaw was sticking out and his teeth and gums were drenched in blood. I tried not to throw up as I ran for the door. Before I could take more than a few steps, I was pulled back and thrown to the floor. I hit the ground hard and everything went black.

"Wakey, wakey Trina," a voice called.

I felt a sharp pain in my face. Someone had slapped me. I winced. I opened my eyes. My hands were tied above my head and a figure in a creepy mask was standing right In front of me. I tried to scream, but I felt like my whole body was paralyzed. I couldn't move.

"Welcome back bitch," the figure snarled, slapping me again.

"What- what-" I stammered. "Who the hell are you?!"

Another slap.

"Shut the hell up," the figure growled. "I am your judge and executioner. All those times you rejected me- calling me a freak and a creep. Now you will pay the price!"

"I don't even know you! I don't even know who you are! Let me go! Please!"

"No, no. Please don't cry! After all, its not going to help you. I killed your meathead of a boyfriend and now it's your turn," he said with a chuckle.

"No! Please!" I pleaded. "Let me go!" The figure picked up a knife. "Please! I beg you just let me go!"

"I will show you all the pain you put me through, Trina Vega!"

"You wouldn't get away with this," I snarled. "My dad is a cop. He'll find you!"

The figure laughed. "Your father? Catch me? Your father is just another corrupt cop and your mom is sleeping with your father's partner. Your father will find you in dead but he will never find me. I am too smart for that to happen."

"Please! Hist let me go!" I cried. "I don't know what I did wrong! I don't even know who you are!"

"Stay quiet, baby. You will soon," the figure said, rubbing my cheek.

Slowly he pulled of his mask. I couldn't believe my eyes.

"You- you're-" I was cut of by a sharp pain in my stomach. This time, I was able to scream.

"Yeah, baby, I am," he whispered in my ear. "Have a nice trip... to hell!"

The last thing I heard was his evil laugh as everything around me went black.

Killer POV

I look over the Trina. Her head was hanging down and blood was pouring out of her stomach. I smiled.

"Number 3 is down. Let's see who's next. Ahhhh, yes. The sweet, but annoying, boy. This is going to be fun," I said, smiling. I walked out of the room and went to search for my next victim.

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