Chapter 1: Revenge

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In a dark room, a shadow figure picked up a tomahawk and slipped it into his belt. He put on a long black trench coat and pulled a creepy mask over his face, concealing his identity. He smiled wickedly and walked out of the room. On the walls outside of the room, were pictures of the students who attended Hollywood Arts. Written-in what people would assume to be red paint-was the word "revenge" in block letters over the faces of Tori Vega, Andre Harris, Beck Oliver, Robbie Shapiro, Cat Valentine, and Jade West.

Jade POV

I stopped my car in front of Beck's house and climbed out. The sky was dark and the smell of rain was in the air. I walked up to Beck's RV and knocked on the metal door.

A few moments later, it opened, revealing my boyfriend, Beck. He was wearing jeans and a plaid t-shirt.

"Hey, babe, you're early," he said and smiled.

'Well," I said slowly, "If I'm too early for you, I can leave." I started to walk away.

Beck grabbed my arm and spun me around to face him. "No, don't go! Come in. It's going to start raining soon."

I smiled and followed him inside, shutting the door behind me. As soon as we were inside, Beck turned around and kissed me. We fell onto his bed and had a passionate make out session.

"Beck," I say between gasps.


"We need to stop. I'm not ready."

"No problem, babe," he said nonchalantly.

He got off me and we stood up.

"I'm gonna get my jacket from inside the house," Beck said.

"Okay. Hurry back."

"Yes, your Highness," he said and walked out.

I gave a chuckle as Beck left the RV. He was really the one for me. I loved him with all my heart. He made me a different person.

'1, 2, Freddie coming for you...'

I picked up my phone and smiled at the disturbing ringtone-which, obviously, I loved.

"Yeah, who is this and why the heck is your number blocked?"

From the other end of the line came silence.

"Hello? Who is this?"

"Revenge," a creepy, raspy voice replied. "Revenge, Jade West. Revenge." The line went dead.

"Freak," I muttered.

I opened the door of the RV. The sky was black and there was an eerie feeling in the air.

"Perfect kind of day for a horror movie," I said to myself, smiling.

3 hours later

It started raining 2 hours ago and it hasn't stopped, so the principal decided to bring the party inside. He walked through the hallways, making sure that the classrooms were locked. Sikowitz's classroom was the only one kept open. As he was making his rounds, he noticed that the basement door was open. He walked down the stairs to make sure there wasn't anyone down there. Suddenly, the door slammed shut and he heard a click. It locked. He saw the lights flicker and go out.

"Who-who is there," he asked in a shaky voice.

"Hello dear principal," a creepy, raspy voice responded from the darkness. "You know, when I came to this school, I thought it was against bullying but every time I came to you telling you that some people were bullying me, you did nothing about it. And now you will pay the price for what you did-all the pain you caused me by turning your back on me every time I got hurt."

"Wait," the principal yelled, "You don't have to do this! I can help you! Please!"

"When I asked for your help, you turned your back. You will die, just like the people who used to bully me!"

The principal screamed as the shadow figure raised the tomahawk. The principal's scream was cut short when the tomahawk was slashed across his chest.

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