Chapter 9: A Game Of Life And Death

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Tori POV

I was chained to a wall. The last thing I remembered was watching Beck propose to Jade and then there was a cloth was covered my face. I remembered smell chloroform before everything went black.

The sound of whimpering and quiet sobbing reached my ears. I stiffened.

"Who's there," I called out. My voice was shaking.

"Tori? Is that you?" a familiar voice calls from the darkness.

"Cat?! Where are you?"

"Yeah, its me. I'm against the wall."

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

"Yeah," Cat cried. "I got a cut on my arm. It really hurts, Tori."

"It'll be okay, Cat. We'll get out of here. I promise!"

"Okay. I believe you." After a few minutes of silence, Cat whispered, "I wanna go home, Tori."

"I know, Cat. I do, too. And we will. I promise."

"Is Beck okay," she asked between sniffles.

"Yeah, I think so. He's hurt a lot, but I think he'll survive."

"His stomach is hurt really bad?"

"Yeah," I said simply. I didn't want to scare Cat any more than she already was with the details.

We remained still and quiet. After a few minutes, Cat broke the silence: "Tori?"

"Yeah, Cat?"

"What happens if we die?"

I was slightly shocked. I never thought Cat would ever say something like that. But she did. And I had to answer her. But how? She's Cat- sweet and innocent. She wouldn't be able to take the truth- the truth being, we probably are going to die. So, instead, I lied. "We'll make it, Cat. I promise. Cross my heart," I gulped. "And hope to die," I whispered.

"How can you be so sure that you'll make it out alive?" a voice said from the shadows.

"Who there's," I asked fearfully.

"Your judge, Victoria Vega," the voice said.

"Robbie!" I yelled. "Stop this! Please, just stop! You don't need to do this!"

"Oh, yes, I do need to do this. You guys made my days bad enough. Tonight, I find my redemption!" He laughed.

"Robbie," I pleaded. "My father's coming to pick me up in a few hours! He'll come inside and you'll be caught! You'll go to jail for this, Robbie!"

"Oh, sweet, sweet little Tori." He laughed. "You won't be around to see your father. I, on the other hand, will be the lone survivor. I will be popular and people will adore me. But you guys will be mourned for a day and forgotten after a few weeks. But I, I will will be remembered! I will be famous!"

"Your insane!" I screamed. I started struggling against the chains that held me to the wall. "Robbie, just let us go!"

"Robbie, please!" Cat whispered and started sobbing.

"I'm sorry," Robbie said. "But I can't do that. Now, I will be back in a few minutes. I have a few matters to take care of. Don't escape!" he said and started laughing hysterically. After a few seconds, there was the sound of the door opening and closing. And Robbie was gone.

"Robbie, you asshole!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, yanking furiously at my chains. "You'll pay for this! You'll pay, Robbie Shapiro! You hear me?! You'll pay!" I stopped struggling and slumped to the floor. I lay there- still and innovating. And I burst into tears.

Jade POV

"No! No! No! Beck, I'm not leaving you!"

"Jade, you have to go find Tori and Cat. We have to get out of here. We can't leave them behind."

"But I can't leave you here, either. What if the killer comes back?"

"Then I will kick his ass. Now go find Tori and Cat!"


"No, Jade. You have to do this!""

Tears welled up in my eyes. "Ok, I'll go. But you keep then gun," I said, holding out the revolver to him.

"No way, Jade! You have to keep it! You have to protect yourself!"

"So do you, Beck! Now, take it!"

"No! I don't need it. I've got..." I looked around. "Give me that emergency axe, Jade."

"You take the gun. I'll take the axe. And don't say anything. Just take the gun and be quiet."

"Okay! Okay!" Beck took the gun from my hand. "I love you, Jade."

"I love you, too," I said. I give him a kiss and headed for the door.

"Be careful, Jade," Beck said, smiling.

"I will. You be careful, too," I said and left the room.

I closed the door and started walking down the hallway. I felt like someone was watching me. I whipped around and saw the dark figure a few feet away, a tomahawk in his hand. I smiled gripping the handle of my axe tighter in my hand.

"You messed with the wrong goth, asshole," I yelled and charged at him.

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