Chapter 2: Shaun

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Tori POV

"Come one Trina! We have to go! Andre is waiting outside... And we're already late," I called up the stairs.

"Don't rush me!" Trina yelled back. "It takes time to be this beautiful you know!"

I rolled my eyes and sighed.

A few seconds later, Trina came down the stairs in a short skirt, blue bedazzeled top, and her bazzini boots.

"Trina," I said , "don't you think that outfit makes you look... ummm... trashy?

"Oh, please," Trina scoffed, She rolled her eyes. "At least I look hot. You, on the other hand, look soooo not."

"I look fine, Trina," I said, annoyed. "I don't have the time to fight with you over this. We have to go. Andre is waiting in the car," I said. I started walking toward the front door.

"Yeah... about that..." Trina said slowly.

I spun around to face her. "What," I asked.

"I don't need to ride with you guys anymore. I arranged my own transportation."

"What?!" I exclaimed. "Who would drive you anywhere? Unless they were being paid... No, even they wouldn't do it... So, you don't have any transportation.""

"For your Information, Tori,  Shaun is picking me up," Trina said snuggly.

"What?!" I exclaimed, angry and very surprised. "We've been waiting for you to get ready so we could take you to the Kickback because Dad took your license and now you going with Shaun- who, may I remind you, rejected you?!"

"Yeah," Trina said nonchalantly. "I'm going with him and I persuaded him to reconsider dating me. So... you and Andre can go."

"In other words...," My eyes widened. YOU'RE USING YOUR BODY TO GET A GUY TO DATE YOU?!"

"Yes. See? You can act smart!"

"Hey! I am smart!!!"

"Whatever you say, My dear little sister, whatever you say."

I shot her an icy glare and walked out the front door. I climbed into Andre's car and slammed the door.

"Hey! Hey! Easy with the car," Andre said.

I looked at him apologetically. "I'm sorry, Andre. It's just... I'm really mad

"Why? And where's Trina?"

"Inside. She got some guy from school to pick her up. And, yeah, that's why I'm mad. She's just so... ARGHHH!"

Andre chuckled. "Ok, Tor, let's go to the Kickback. It'll make you feel better."

I nodded and smiled. "$ounds good to me. Let's go!"

Andre smiled at me. He put the car in drive and we sped off to Hollywood Arts.


It's pouring rain outside so we're all in the gym dancing and drinking punch. Jade and Beck went for a swim even they are not allowed to. Andre and Tori are dancing. I wonder if.....

"Hey, Cat!" My thoughts we re interrupted by Robbie.

"Hey, Robbie. You're late," I said.

"Yeah... I know. My mom dropped me off. She had a few things to do. By the way, you look beautiful tonight." He smiled.

Thanks Robbie," I giggled.

"Do you want to dance with me," Robbie asked hopefully.

I look at him with a mixture of sadness and annoyance.

"Look, Robbie, you need to get over me. I just like you as a friend. Please understand."

"But the song I wrote you..."

"was beautiful! But I just like you as a friend. I'm sorry, Robbie. I truly am."

I saw the sadness in his eyes before he looked away.

"Its okay, Cat. I- I understand," he said and started walking away.

"Robbie where are you going?!" I called after him.

"I just need some time alone," he yelled back. "I'll be back in a few minutes!"

"Okay. Be careful!"

He said nothing and continued to walk out of the gym

Shaun POV

I was walking to the library. I forgot my back pack there. It's kind of freaky at night in school. I entered the library and searched for my back pack. I found it and started to walking towards the exit.

"Evening Shaun," says a raspy, creepy voice from behind me.

I jumped and spun around to see a figure dressed in black wearing a mask of monster clown.

"What the hell?! Who are you?!" I exclaimed.

"I am your executioner, Shaun," the figure said, bringing out a tomahawk in front of him.

"Ok, woah! Stay away from me, you freak!" I threw my back pack at him and started running. Suddenly, a sharp pain shot threw my body. I fell down on my face and everything blurred. I felt something in my back. Then the worst pain I ever experienced as I felt the thing being pulled from my back. I screamed in agony.

Well... well... well... looks like Sheun isn't that tough. Any last words, Shaun?" The Dark figure asks.

"Who the hell are you?" Shaun asks threw gritted teeth.

"Well... since you are going to die..." the figure peeled of his mask and I could't believe who I was seeing.

"You little shi-"

Before the last word left my mouth the Romanian scale down on my neck. Blood spurted everywhere. The killer smiled and started to carve his victim's face off. Once he was done, he looked at his masterpiece. Aml that was left of his victim were his eyes and nose, blood flowing over his open flesh. "So much fun," the figure said, smiling down at the corpse.

"Well, who is next on my list?" He said, pulling out a photo from his pocket.

He chuckled when he saw who it was. "How nice. I've been waiting to kill this girl. I can't wait."

The Dark figure smiled evilily and walked out of the library.

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